The door opened again and one of the deputies from Creedestrode in. He was a tall man with youthful good looks. He was the all-Americanhero type.
He’d dated Sabrina.
“Hey, I just got the call,” he said. “Knox is out in thecar. Gemma said you needed backup.” His gaze caught on the gorgeous girl at thebar who’d poured herself a shot of tequila. “Sabrina? Oh, god. What happened?Are you okay, sweetheart?”
Wyatt growled.
He did not need this shit again tonight. There was only oneway to handle the situation, and it was oddly easy. He’d tried to find a wayout. He’d done his level best, but she had no sense of self-protection, and shewas going to have to handle it from here on out. “Our girlfriend is fine,Deputy. These men threatened her but her men took care of it.”
The deputy’s expression fell, but Sabrina looked like a catwho’d lapped up all the cream. “Yes, they did.”
The sheriff and his deputies took out the trash, and Sawyerprepared to lay down the law.
* * * *
Wyatt wasn’t sure when he’d lost all control. Oh, he knewhe’d lost physical control the minute the asshole had laid hands on Sabrina.He’d gone to the place he had in childhood when he couldn’t handle the worldand he had to fight for his life. It was a place his father and brother hadpushed him to time and time again. He would start normally and then he wouldlook down and there would be blood on his hands and bodies on the floor.
Sabrina had watched him lose his shit.
And then complained he let one get away.
Yeah, that was the moment he should have known he’d lost allcontrol. Every bit of it.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Sawyer rounded the barafter locking up for the night. They were finally alone. Sabrina had alreadypoured herself another shot, and she lined up two more glasses.
Wyatt was sitting at one of the tables, utterly unwilling toget close to her again.
She had no idea what she’d started, no idea what troublethey were all in.
“I was thinking the man I care about was in trouble,” shereplied.
“I broke up with you.” He wasn’t sure where his plan hadgone wrong. His fists ached but not half as much as his heart at the thought ofwhat his brother’s men could do to her now that they knew he cared about her.“I was plain about it. I don’t want to see you again.”
Sabrina poured the shots. “Sure. You don’t care and I’m notwild enough and you always freak out and become a rolling ball of violence atthe thought of another man laying hands on any woman of your acquaintance.”
She had him there.
Sawyer pointed a finger his way. “I told you it wouldn’twork, but that’s another lecture for another day.” His attention centered onSabrina again, his jaw tight. “I want to understand what the hell you thoughtyou would do walking in this bar the way you did. Do you understand the wordssituationalawareness? Can you put them together for me?”
He’d never actually seen Sawyer so upset. Not even when hisbrother had gotten arrested. Sawyer was always cool under pressure, but he’dlost it tonight, too.
He’d also announced to the world Sabrina was theirs.
For the first time, Sabrina flushed slightly and looked thetiniest bit uncomfortable. “Well, how was I supposed to know they weren’t theregular clientele? This place is something of a biker bar, from what Iunderstand. How am I supposed to tell the difference between everyday,fun-loving bikers who enjoy cheap beer and the criminal ones?”
Sawyer’s eyes rolled, and both he and Wyatt tapped theirchests on the left side. “Patch.”
Yep, they were on the same page.
Except he felt something building between Sawyer andSabrina, something he wanted to be a part of but he couldn’t now because he hadto leave. It was the only way he could protect them all.
Unless it was already far too late.
“Patch? You mean the little scout thing they had on theirvests?” Sabrina asked. “I thought it was like a Boy Scout patch.”
Sawyer’s brows rose. “You thought they were Boy Scouts?”
She bit her bottom lip and looked so fucking sexy it hurt.“Well, not when they opened their mouths. Sawyer, I’m sorry I caused a problem,but I’m not sorry I came here tonight. Wyatt was wrong to do what he did. Hedoesn’t want to break up with me. And the truth of the matter is you don’t wantto keep your hands off me either. You’re both scared of things that would bebetter to deal with now and get out of the way so we can figure out if we canbe happy together. I know it’s a hard word for you. So how about we use theword you do understand. Content. I think you could be content with me and Wyattif we can get past this whole thing with his brother and you can deal with yourabandonment issues.”