“Okay, Mommy.” He says running off into his bedroom.
I got so lucky with both these guys. Oliver is such a good kid despite not having much of a positive male role model, until now.
Just as I step through the front door, Colton is walking up the path. His gray sweatpants hang low on his hips, with a tight tee under his open flannel shirt. I never really got the hype of graysweatpants until I saw Colton in them. Now my mouth waters every time I see him.
“Hey beautiful, what are you smiling at?” he asks.
Oops. Busted. “You.”
“What about me?”
“Just thinking how I never got the hype of gray sweatpants before you, but I definitely do now." I say raising my brows and looking his body up and down. "And how lucky I am that we have you.”
“Gray sweatpants?” he questions.
I lean up to kiss him in order to not answer that question. It’s not my place to ruin the appeal of them by telling him. I grab his hand and lead him up the stairs. Oliver is sitting in his bed with three books.
“Hey Buddy, what books do we have?” Colton asks.
The two of them start talking about the books Oliver chose and I just sit down on the bed next to Oliver with Colton on the other side. Oliver's favorite spot is snuggled in tight between us.
We must have all fallen asleep because I wake up to Mom tapping my shoulder and feel the pain radiating down my neck from sleeping curled up on the edge of the small bed.
“Hey, honey, I noticed the light was still on and Colton’s truck was still in the driveway. I think you all needed some sleep tonight but neither of you look very comfortable. Why don’t you and Colton go to your room and sleep?”
“Mom, I can’t sleep with a boy in your house.” My cheeks blush.
“Honey, that is a man, not a boy. And I’m not stupid as to what goes on when you sleep at his house or have alone time with him. I don’t even blame you.” She winks.
My cheeks redden at Mom’s comment. I know I’m older now, but we still don’t want our moms to know about our life in the bedroom.
“I agree with your mom. I’m too sore sleeping here. But if you want me to go home I will.”
Oh, goodness.
Mom walks back downstairs, laughing, knowing that she got her way.
“Of course I won’t make you drive back home, you’re too tired.”
“Good,” he says as he burrows his face into my neck and wraps me up in his arms.
Too bad we are actually both too tired and end up passing out on top of the comforter before we can even make it under the blankets.
We are woken up in the morning by Oliver running into the room and snuggling in between Colton and I.
“Grandma said we can go get pancakes before she brings me to school, do you want to come?” he says excitedly, bouncing up and down.
“How about you go get ready for school and we will be down in a minute, and we can talk about it?” I need a minute to open my eyes and reconcile with the strong arm wrapped around my waist.
Oliver bounces back out to his bathroom to get ready for school.
“Sorry about that. He has too much energy in the morning.” I smile at Colton.
“Just in the morning? That kid has energy all day every day. I seriously don’t know how you do it. You’re like a superhero, Lace.” He kisses me on the forehead.
“What do you think about pancakes at the diner?”
“I could go for some coffee and breakfast at the diner. Plus, his excitement is pretty contagious. I bet he's excited for Christmas break.” Colton pulls me over to his side of the bed and beginskissing my neck. I could definitely get used to waking up like this.