“I can text it to you, and the type of car he has.” She pulls out her phone from her apron pocket.
“Okay, perfect. Like I said, until he actually does something illegal we can’t do much. You can go after him for threats, if you want. But if we see him, we sure can let you know. Being a small town, I’m sure a lot of people already know what he looks like beyond us, and you know if people see him, they will talk.”
“Thanks, Brad. We both really appreciate it. I feel better knowing that more people are looking out for my girl and Oliver,” I say.
“No problem. I know that I would want my girl looked out for,” he says, looking at Lauren.
Hmm, I wonder what that look was for. I’ll have to ask Lacey later.
Lacey finishes up Brad’s haircut and he and Lauren head out after more promises to keep their eyes out for Michael. Once they’re gone Lacey leans back into me and I rub her shoulders.
“I feel better now. I know it’s not much, but at least more people are looking for him,” she says.
I squeeze her shoulders and drop a kiss on her forehead.
“I still hope he just doesn’t try anything. I’d hate to even put Oliver in that situation.” I pause, leading into my question about the holiday break. “Speaking of Oliver, I know you’re really busy over his break right before Christmas, and I was thinking of taking him to a hotel in the city. They have a fun indoor trampoline park for kids. I thought maybe it would be a fun guy’s trip. Preston wants to come, too.” I give her my best pout face, silently pleading with her to say yes.
“Oh yeah? A guy’s trip? That seems awfully expensive, Colton. I couldn’t ask you to do that.” She turns to face me.
“Sweetheart, I don’t recall you asking me to do anything. I think I just offered to spend time with my buddy doing something fun.”
She shrugs, “Let me think about it, okay? When would you need to know for sure?”
“Probably in the next day or so. If you’re not comfortable with it I understand. We could just take him for the day.”
She looks torn. “No, no. You know what, I'm not going to let Michael take more from him. You guys can go. Just tell me how much because I’m not going to let you pay for it.”
I shake my head and pull her in for a kiss.
“No, ma’am. This is my treat. You deserve some time to destress, and I want some guy time with my buddy. No arguments.”
I walk away from her before she can respond, taking a phone call for work. I think that was the best way to win that argument. I am in no way letting her pay for a trip that we are taking to buy her Christmas present. And I really do want some guy time with Oliver and Preston. I could use the break as much as Preston.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Oliver, where are your Christmas pajamas for school tomorrow?” I yell down the stairs. I swear I can’t even get through this week, I don’t know how these teachers are doing it.
“I’m wearing them, Mommy!” Oliver proudly walks into my room showing me that he has them on already.Of course.“I’m going to sleep in my jammies then I don’t have to get dressed in the morning!” He giggles.
“You’re so smart. Why didn’t I think of that? Come on, let’s go give Grammy a kiss goodnight and get a book to read.” I hold out my hand for him.
“Mommy, can Colton come read me a bedtime story?”
Oliver has Colton wrapped around his finger. He has been calling him lately to come over and read him a story at bedtime and every single time Colton shows up. I won’t complain aboutthe extra time to see Colton though. He’s especially attractive when he’s doing things with Oliver. I love seeing them together. The two best guys in my life.
“I don’t know if he can, but we can certainly send him a message. Go give Grammy a kiss and brush your teeth. I'll message him.”
Oliver runs off in search of my mom. Those two have a bond I’m envious of. After all girls, and being the first grandchild, Oliver is spoiled rotten by Mom.
Me:Hey, Oliver is requesting a guest appearance for bedtime stories.
Colton:Be there in 2 minutes.
An immediate response. I wonder if he’s just waiting for us to text him now. Sometimes I think it would be easier if we lived together, we spend so much time together already. There is a lot of shuffling things to and from and rushing home for bedtimes. But it hasn’t been that long and I’m afraid to scare him off by asking him to move in and be insta-dad to my child before our divorces are finalized.
“Hey bud, Colton is on his way. I’m going to go downstairs and meet him. You pick a couple books and climb into bed, okay?”