Downstairs we find Mom and Oliver discussing the type of pancakes they’re going to get at the diner, she is feeding into his excitement, and I smile at the sight.
“I personally think I’m going to get chocolate chip and bananas in my pancakes,” I say, drawing their attention to Colton and me.
“Are you coming, Mommy?” Oliver asks hopefully, holding his little hands out together in front of him.
“We are, bud. We wouldn’t miss breakfast on your last day of school before vacation,” Colton answers for me. I love the bond they have with each other. Colton has so seamlessly fit into our lives and has taken everything that is happening in stride.
Breakfast is amazing. Until it isn’t. At the end of breakfast, I get a text message from Michael. He has been pretty quiet since the last message a week ago. Today he’s warning me that he has given me enough time and I’m going to regret my decision to ignore him. At Colton’s urging I email a screenshot to my lawyer, who again says to just ignore it until our divorce hearing.
I also send it over to Brad, I want him to be looped in in case he does do something.
I have a busy day, so I have to push Michael out of my mind and move on with my day. Since Christmas is coming up and I’ll be closed for a few days, everyone is trying to get in before all their holiday parties. Luckily, Lauren is one of my first customers today. I love getting to have my friends as clients. It makes the day go by so quickly. Plus I'm kept up on all the gossip from the diner.
I sit at my desk trying to get some work done as I wait for Lauren, but my mind keeps wandering to Michael. He’s never been violent, but he’s also never threatened me before. He just acted like we didn’t exist to him. I feel better that we gave theschool his picture and they know not to release Oliver to anyone who isn’t on the list. My worry is eased, but not entirely.
“Hey, girl! Thought you could use this today.” Lauren walks through the door with my favorite iced coffee. A peppermint mocha will always brighten my mood.
“You are an angel from heaven,” I say as I grab the coffee. You can never have too much coffee right?
“I aim to please my friend.” She laughs.
I walk Lauren over to the washing station and get her hair washed up before heading over to my station. My phone starts ringing but I ignore it. I try to never answer my personal phone while I have clients, even if they are a close friend.
“Ok, Lauren, are we just touching up the color and keeping the cut the same as last time?”
“Yup. It was perfect last time. I got so many compliments at the realtor luncheon I had in the city, and I got to brag about how you were in our small town and not the city.” She smiles. I touched up Lauren's color at her house before an important work event.
My cell rings again. “I’m so sorry. Let me put this on silent. If it is someone who knows me they will call the salon.”
“I don’t mind at all, girl. Go ahead and answer it.”
I glance at my phone quickly and it's Oliver's school.
“Actually, this is the school, let me give them a call back in case something happened.” I excuse myself and go over to the desk to call the school back. I should have given them my salon number, I see they called more than the two times I heard it ringing.
“Hello, Lupine Valley Elementary. How may I help you?” The secretary answers and I hear yelling in the background. My stomach drops because I know the voice that is yelling.Michael.
“Hi, this is Lacey Harper, I’m returning a call that was made to me.”
“Oh, yes, perfect timing. As you know, when you came in for that meeting we discussed what would need to be done. Well, that time has come.”
I don’t miss the vague answer she gave, a kind of code that meant only those in the meeting last week would know what was being discussed. This is not good.
“I’m on the way,” I say as I shakily hang up the phone and grab all my things.
“Lace, is everything okay?” Lauren asks, concern laces her face.
“I have to go. Michael. School.” I can’t even form complete thoughts at this point. I'm just rushing out the door.
“Oh my gosh. Go now. I’ll call Colton, your mom, and Brad for you. Do you need a ride over there? Are you ok to walk alone?” She places her hand on my forearm.
“No. I’m okay. I’m sure the school has things under control. I’m just going to walk over. It’s a moment’s walk. Mom and Colton drove so I don't have a car.” More like I'll be running as fast as I can.
“Ok. Go. I’ll get Colton to lock up.”
“Thank you so much.” Tears are threatening to fall on my cheeks. Lauren pulls me in for a quick hug and squeezes my hand as I walk away.
Chapter Twenty-Two