“Okay, Mommy. Bye, big guy! Thanks for playing with me!” He gives Colton a hug then heads inside like I asked him to. I am really lucky, he’s such a sweet boy.

“Okay, what is this about my baby being bullied?” I am fuming about this information! Ever since he mentioned it I’ve had a ball of nerves winding tightly in my stomach. After all he’s been through, he doesn’t need to be getting picked on at school too!

Colton sighs, “I guess a couple kids were calling him a baby because he was afraid to go down the tall twisty slide at school. I think he was just nervous because he didn’t know what was going to happen. He said the kids at school always scream when they go down so he was nervous that it was scary. I went down with him and he is good now. Hopefully, they won’t make fun of him anymore.”

Silent tears fall down my cheeks.I know it’s silly. And so typical of kids, especially at this age. But, with everything going on I can’t help it. My poor kid can’t catch a break.

“Thank you so much for being there for him, Colton. I can’t tell you how much that means to me that he trusts you to help him fix a problem.” I give him a tight hug around his waist before turning to wipe the tears from my face. I appreciate him so much.

Seriously. Michael would have joined in calling his son a baby instead of helping him overcome a fear. I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am for this man in front of me.

Colton pulls me in by my hips. We are hidden by his truck so he doesn’t hide his affection. “Lace, I would do anything for youtwo. And going down a slide isn’t a big ask.” He kisses the top of my head.

“It is to me, Colton. His so-called father would have joined in on making fun of him and broken his little spirit. But not you. You taught him to go down so he could face his fears. I am always going to be grateful for that.” It hurts me so much as a mom when Michael mocks Oliver, usually he’d call him a mama’s boy. But it’s not like he ever had the chance to be a daddy’s boy. If it weren’t for his new girlfriend reaching out to me, I don’t know how much longer we would have stayed, the only thing really keeping me at that point was the fear of what would happen to Oliver when he was with Michael alone. I had no doubt that Michael would fight me for full custody.

Colton’s jaw clenches so hard I don’t think he is going to be able to loosen it, like he knows what I’m thinking.

As if I summoned him, my phone rings and it is Michael’s name on the caller ID. I show the phone to Colton and if his jaw clenches any tighter he’s going to crack teeth. “Are you going to answer?” he grits out through ground teeth.

“I don’t know. I guess I’d rather do it with you here than by myself later.” I shrug.

He nods in understanding, and I slide the button to accept the call.

“Michael. What can I help you with?” I say tensely into the phone. Colton’s hand comes up to my cheek, his thumb rubbing my cheek softly.

“Lacey, why haven’t you let my son call me?” Is he serious? Was he not at the court hearing?

“Michael, were you not at the same hearing as me? You signed over your rights to Oliver, remember? So, I don’t know why you think I’d have him call you.” I rub my temple where I can feel the headache already forming.

Colton’s eyes are on mine now, concern all over his face.

“That is not what happened, Lacey, and you know it. Let me talk to my son.”

This isn’t happening; he all of a sudden cares? No way. Something has got to be going on. Trouble in paradise probably.

“It actually is, Michael. Go back and read your paperwork. You have no rights anymore. Oliver isn’t your son. You gave that up to go be with your new family.” With that I hang up the call.

I know I’ll be dealing with his calls the rest of the night, so I put my phone on silent.

“Are you okay?” Colton asks, his hands working my shoulders that have tended up.

“Yeah, I knew this would happen. He doesn’t want us, but he likes the control over us. If I had to guess, things aren’t going well with the new baby mama.” I lean into Colton.

“I’m so sorry, Lace. Neither of you deserve that. You two are the best things that could ever happen to him. I don’t understand how he so willingly threw it all away.” Colton’s hands slide into my hair and pull my face to his.

His tongue mixes with mine and I melt into him. Of course, this is the time Oliver chooses to come out and tell me his shower was done. I groan into Colton’s mouth. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

“I’m coming, buddy. Go ahead and pick two books for us to read,” I yell to Oliver.

“Okay, Mommy. Goodnight, Colton!” He waves to Colton and runs back inside, letting the door slam behind him

How he doesn’t act out, and still manages to be happy is beyond me.

“I’m really sorry. One time we won’t get interrupted.” I look up at Colton and feel terrible.

“Why do you think I was at the salon so early today? You officially have a new toilet, and new vanity, which both work. So this week I should be able to move in and have everything set upin the apartment.” He winks at me, and I know this was his plan all along.

“One week then.” I squeeze his hand and start to walk back to the house.