I turn and say over my shoulder, “Thank you again. For everything.”

He waves back and hops in his truck.

How did I get so lucky with Colton? He actually wants me. And Oliver. I was so worried I only had feelings for him because of Oliver, but he has shown me that my feelings are because of how good he is to me too. Now that I’ve let myself like him, I can feel myself falling fast.

Chapter Twelve


After working in the apartment for almost a week I have the kitchen and bathroom functioning, all the carpets ripped up, and my stuff moved into the bedroom. Tonight will be my first night in the apartment. But first, I am heading to trick or treat with Oliver and Lacey. Oliver insisted I dress up like him so I have my tool belt with some smaller tools, a hard hat, and my safety vest. I’m honored that Oliver asked me to trick or treat with him. He called me last night on Facetime to make sure that I had everything ready to go and that Lacey didn’t make any mistakes on his costume. I assured him that he looked great. He then made me promise to bring a belt, hat, and vest for Lacey. Apparently we are doing the family costume thing, and I am not complaining one bit. Although, I’m sure if you ask her about thefamily part she’d probably get that adorable pink blush across her cheeks and fumble on her words when she tries to answer.

When I pull up I see a whole group of people standing in the front yard. “There is the star of the show!” Preston shouts. He and Scarlett are dressed as doctors. Adelaide is dressed as a cat. Lorelei and Scott are dressed as an old couple, with walkers and all. The front door opens and I brace myself for Oliver’s tackle. 3, 2, 1. . .

“Colton!” Oliver hits my legs but this time I don’t budge. I’m ready for him. “Did you bring Mommy’s construction girl stuff?”

“Of course I did.” I pull the items put from behind my back and hand them over.

“Yay! I’m going to bring these to Mommy so she can get dressed!” He took off back into the house. I notice a whole bunch of eyes on me. I start to feel a little uncomfortable with all the attention on me so I walk over to Preston.

“Cute family, brother.” He is smirking so I know he is just trying to get under my skin. Unfortunately for him, I don’t actually give a shit. I love spending time with Lacey and Oliver.

“We do look cute don’t we?” I joke back.

“Colton. . .” Preston warns.

“I know, I know. Be careful. I hear you. But things really are different. It all feels so right with Lacey. Even with Oliver. He’s a great kid.” Before he can continue his warning, Lacey and Oliver come out of the house. Oliver announces to everyone that now he is ready to start trick or treating. I hang back as everyone filters out of the driveway to wait for Lacey.

“Hey there, you look mighty fine as a construction worker. You looking for some work?” I wink at her.

“Well. It depends what you need done sir. I’m pretty novice.” She jokes back.

“I could use some help in this bathroom I’m working on. . .” She smacks my chest.

“Thank you for bringing me stuff to wear, Oliver was pretty insistent we all match. I’m worried he is making you fill the father role really quickly though.” She is wringing her hands in front of her, a nervous habit I’ve noticed she has.

“Why are you worried?” I ask.

“I don’t want you to feel like you have to do that for him. And I don’t want to confuse him.”

I could understand that he has been through a lot in regards to fathers.

“Lace, I don’t feel forced into anything. Don’t worry about me. I will tell you if I’m uncomfortable with something.”

She looks up at me with sad eyes. “Promise me you will?”

“Always.” I fight every bone in my body to not pull her in and kiss her right then and there at the end of her mom’s driveway. But she surprises me and pulls me in by my vest. I am not stupid enough to not kiss her back. It’s a quick kiss, but I feel like a king having her claim me in front of everyone like that. Before we can even pull apart the whole group was hooting and hollering, and Oliver was pumping his fist in the air.

“Alright everyone. Show is over. Get back to trick or treating,” I say.

“Yeah! We have candy to get!” Oliver takes off running down the neighbor’s walkway for his first piece of candy.

Lacey stands at the end of the walkway telling Oliver to make sure he says thank you. I’m watching him walk back, showing her his first piece when I feel two arms loop through mine. “So Mr. Hotpants, seems like you won my sister over pretty quickly.” Addy says looking up at me.

“Yea she seems pretty smitten. What are your intentions?” Scarlett asks. Seems I’m not getting out of this without some of that good old Harper meddling.

I laugh at the two of them, “Well, I intend to take her on the date she deserves, then I intend to -“

“Okay big guy, that’s enough. We get it!” Scarlett says cutting me off. The two of them run off to find Lacey and Oliver.