“Hey! No fair! You cheated!” Oliver yells as he runs after me. I pretend to trip and fall to let him get ahead of me. He’s giggling as he runs by me, telling mebetter luck next time. I get up and start chasing him, taking one last look at Lacey, standing there with a smile on her face.
Chapter Eleven
Colton convinced me to give him and Oliver some guy time, claiming that every little boy needs some guy time at the playground. When they both gave me the puppy dog eyes I couldn’t deny them anymore. I agreed to come enjoy a cup of decaf at the diner. I am glad when I walk in and see Lauren at a table by herself. I am not one who loves to sit alone in public places so I’m hoping she isn’t planning to meet anyone.
“Hey, Lauren! Mind if I join you?” She looks like she is working so now I feel a little bad.
“Lacey! Nope, not at all! I could use the break.”
I slide into the booth across from her. She leans in to whisper, “So, I hear Brad caught Mr. Hotpants at the salon this morning.”
“Oh, my gosh.” I can feel the blush coming over my cheeks. “That was totally my fault. I drunkenly gave him the key lastnight and forgot about the alarm. He must have wanted to get an early start on the work so he can move in quickly.”
“Girl. You are lucky. That man is fine with a capital F. Not that Brad is bad looking either. I would have been happy to find either one of them in my space on a Sunday morning,” she says, winking at me.
Before I can ask her about Brad the waitress comes over to take our order. We each order the apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. There is nothing more fall in New England than fresh homemade apple pie.
“So, what is Oliver going to be for Halloween? Is he excited for it?” she asks.
“He has decided to be a construction worker like Colton.”
Lauren puts her hand to her chest and makes a face like that is the sweetest thing she’s ever heard.
“So basically he spent all of dinner trying to convince Colton to dress up with him and take him around with us Friday night. And since he is literally the nicest man on this planet, he said he would be happy to take him trick or treating.”
“Girl, he might be the nicest man on this planet, but that man is trying to get in good with you. I am so jealous of how he looks at you.” She digs her fork into her apple pie that was just delivered.
“Speaking of, did I miss a hint of a blush across your face when Brad came up in conversation?” I ask trying to change the topic off me and Colton.
“I wish, Lacey. We have run into each other at The Bar a few times, I have had such a big crush on him since high school. When he moved back I thought I would finally get a chance with him, but he doesn’t know I exist beyond being a friend he’s had since high school.” She looks sad. I know Lauren always had a crush on him, but Brad is pretty oblivious to flirting, always has been.
“Don’t get too down about it. He’s never really noticed girls hitting on him. Have you ever thought about just asking him out?” I already know this answer though. Lauren is pretty old school and wants the guy to make the first move.
“No way. I couldn’t.” The blush on her face tells me that she is telling the truth.
We spend the rest of our time with Lauren filling me in about all the people we went to high school with. I am really sad to hear about one of our other friends, Maura. I’ve not talked to her in a long time, but Lauren told me that after high school she got in with a rough crowd and was in and out of rehab centers the last couple years. Maura had gotten pregnant our junior year of high school, so I was really sad to hear about her situation, especially for her daughter. I should ask Addy about her daughter, she must be in high school now.
“Mommy!” Oliver runs up to me and jumps into the booth for a hug.
“Hey, sweet boy, can you say hi to Mommy’s friend Lauren?” I point to Lauren across the table.
“Hi Lauren. I’m Oliver. My friend Colton just took me to the playground. He pushed me on the swing and helped me not be scared of the big slide so kids stop making fun of me at school for being a baby.”
I shoot a look to Colton. This is the first time I’ve heard about Oliver being picked on.
“I’ll fill you in later,” he promises.
I thank Lauren for letting me join her and promise to text her about getting together soon. I have really missed having friends that I can just grab a piece of pie with.
Colton of course insists on giving us a ride home since it’s almost dark. Even though Lupine Valley has to be one of the safest towns in the state.
He parks his truck in Mom’s driveway and comes to open my door before he gets Oliver out of the back.
I stand next to the truck waiting for Oliver to say goodbye so I can find out what is going on at school
“Oliver, say goodbye to Colton, then go inside and take a shower, okay?” I tell him.