“You are the farthest thing from repulsive,” Max whispers in my ear. I instinctively scream and jump away from him. Max and Mia laugh heartily at my reaction.
“Jesus-fucking-Christ, Max,” I gasp. “You can’t fucking do that to people.”
“Sorry. I probably should have told you he was here also,” Mia laughs.
“You good?” Rowan asks with a smirk from the doorway.
“She was rambling and didn’t know Max was here. He snuck up and scared her when she called herself repulsive,” Mia says.
“I did not. I said my family and Isaac think I am,” I correct her.
“I have a feeling you’ll hit me if I address the first part of that conversation, so I’ll be nice… for now,” Max says with a grin. “I will say that there is absolutely nothing about you that will change my mind about you.”
“I know,” I sigh. “It’s just paranoia.”
“You’ll be reassured when you’re screaming my name,” he says as he kisses my forehead.
“Yeah, Yeah,” I say.
“Kind of like when…” I cut him off by slapping his arm and making him laugh.
“Well as much as I want to tease Anika right now, you two must go. We are going to The Cherry tonight regardless of how it goes.With or without sex we both know that what you do with Max is a stress reliever. The last thing we want is for you to lose your temper or have a total meltdown,” Mia says. “So, meet us there after.”
“Alright,” I sigh and lean against the banister with my eyes closed.
“Rowan will be with you. You will be fine,” Mia says.
“We have a safe word so we can make me leave if I get overwhelmed,” I chuckle.
“Smart. Use it. I’ll go get your stuff,” Mia says as she steps inside the house.
“What do you want to do tonight?” Max asks as he wraps me in his arms and squeezes.
“I don’t know, honestly. I can’t think straight. This is going to be a shit show with my parents,” I sigh.
“I have a few ideas. I’ll make sure we have the VIP room also,” he says before kissing the top of my head and pulling back.
“I trust you,” I say.
“You sure?” he asks seriously.
“Then I’ll go ahead and warn you now that I’m having Rowan help me tonight, okay?” he says as he watches for my reaction.
I look at him for a second and try to come up with a reason I should be against it, but I find nothing. I want both of them to dominate me and have for a really long time. It’s foreplay, stress relief, and sex. It’s not a wedding. “Okay,” I say with a smile.
“Yeah?” he asks with a grin.
“Yeah. I’m okay with it,” I say confidently.
“You understand what that means, right?” he asks me.
“Yes, but you can certainly say it anyway,” I tell him.
“It means you’re giving him permission to put his hands on you. By that, you are agreeing to a full scene with both of us,” Max says.
“I know. I tried to come up with reasons why I shouldn’t be okay with it, but I can’t. There is no denying that I want it, so trying to suppress it will only stress me out,” I say.