“Then can we talk about last…” Max goes to say but I cut him off again.

“No!” I say and he chuckles.

“Here is your bag and your phone,” Mia says as she hands me my stuff.

“Thank you,” I say. “What do I say about why Rowan is with me?”

“The truth. He is your boss and your friend. After Isaac left a bruise on you, you don’t feel comfortable with no one there being by your side,” she says. “Rowan, do not let her take their shit. Be the bad guy if you must but she needs to stop letting them walk all over her.”

“Just don’t hit anyone,” I say and Rowan smiles.

“I won’t hit anyone,” he says. “I also won’t let anyone treat you like shit.”

“Me and Mia are going to get dinner close by so just call or text if you need us,” Max says to me as he hugs me.

“Okay. Thank you,” I say.

“We are going to have fun with you tonight, Nika,” Max says before kissing me. His lips on mine knocks the wind out of me. We’ve never kissed before either, but God I so wish we had now.

“Can’t wait,” I say quietly as I pull away.

“Your truck or mine?” Rowan asks me.

“She doesn’t need to be driving after being around them,” Mia answers for me.

“Mine it is then,” he smiles. “Ready?”

“No,” I say with a frown but step off the porch anyway. We go to Rowan’s truck and Mia hugs me tightly.

“Whatever you do, don’t punch Harper. Even though she deserves it,” she says. “Rowan, I don’t know if you know this, but Anika has a bad temper. It’s very explosive and violent if they push her too far so if you think she’s about to lose her shit, you need to get her out of that house. Okay?”

“Okay. I’ll just throw her over my shoulder and walk out,” Rowan smiles and opens my door. “Come on.” I sigh heavily and get into the truck. Rowan shuts my door and says something to Mia and Max before walking around to get into the truck.

“What was that?” I ask as he starts the engine.

“I just told them that we’d let them know when we were leaving,” he says.

“Oh,” I say. I lay my head back and close my eyes.

“What can I do? You look panicked again,” Rowan says.

“Just talk. I don’t care about what,” I say and he chuckles. “No,” I say simply.

“You don’t even know what I was going to say,” he says. I open my eyes and look at him and he is smiling brightly.

“Yes, I do,” I laugh and type my parent's address into his GPS.

“Then what was I going to bring up?” he asks. I lay my head back and close my eyes. “Come on now, don’t leave me guessing.”

“Your… intrusion,” I smile but keep my eyes closed. If I am willing to let him join in on kinky time, surely we can talk about this.

“It wasn’t an intrusion considering you answered, knowing I would open the door,” Rowan laughs.

“As true as that may be, I intended to turn it off,” I join his laughter.

“Forget how?”

“Something like that. I accidentally turned it up instead of off but then it was too late,” I laugh again.