Page 84 of Fated Shot

She’s staring at me, every ounce of understanding on her face, but it’s not warranted.

“As soon as my mom got sick, I knew I was going to be alone. My own father left us, left me.”

I had told Mia a bit about how I was practically raised by a single mom. I’m pretty sure the last time I saw my dad, I hadn’t even started school yet. Living without her still hurts to this day. I wish more than anything that my mom was here. I wish she could have met Mia; she would have loved her. Somehow, the thought makes all of this sting even more.

“I knew I was headed straight for foster care, but it was the Brooks family who picked up all the pieces. They took me in like I wasn’t the biggest burden on their lives, and I wasn’t even blood.” There was no hesitation in who stepped up to care for me, they acted like it was the most natural decision to take in another teenager.

“Blood doesn’t make a family, Jack.”

“They have no reason to stay in my life, especially not now. I’m not a kid anymore, they don’t owe me anything.” They forgave me once, there’s no way they will do it again, I don’t deserve their forgiveness.

“God, I should have just stayed on the ice. I could have stopped it.” I think back to the moment I skated over to the bench. I’ve replayed it so many times in my head, screaming internally at myself, trying everything to rewrite what happened just like I did eleven years ago.

“They love you.”

I shake my head, “They took pity on me. I was just a helpless kid, and they have been stuck with me ever since. No one else would have taken me in, no one wanted me.”

It’s true, but it doesn’t stop the pang of pain in my chest.

“You deserve so much more than me. I’ve just been waiting for the moment that you realized it. I’m always going to end up alone.”

Her deep green eyes well with tears as she shakes her head.

“That’s not going to happen.” She rests her hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look at her.

“I don’t know how you can’t see how amazing you are, how loved you are, but that doesn’t matter right now. You’re not alone, you’re not going to be. I’m here, and we’re going to get through this together.”

I stay quietly watching over her fierce determination. “Okay?” she asks expectantly.

“Okay,” I say. At my words, her face relaxes.

“Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to go grab some things and feed Bean. You’re going to get dressed, and we’ll head back to the hospital together. How does that sound?”

Sounds horrible, but I don’t have the heart to dampen her clear attempt at rescuing me from myself.

Repressing the feeling of impending doom, I manage a faint “Sounds good.”


We exit the elevator hand in hand, and I can’t deny the small amount of courage I’m getting from the quiet strength she’s radiating. Just knowing that she’s here for me, knowing that she’s herewithme, it provides a level of comfort I haven’t felt in a long time.

It’s not difficult to navigate back to Penn’s room, we can hear the happy voices from the end of the hall. It must have caused me to stagger for a moment, because Mia pauses, turning to me.

“I’m right here with you, okay? We’re going to do this together,” she says, squeezing my hand twice before continuing forward.

As soon as we walk in, their eyes lock onto us and my heart stops for a moment, a sharp pang clenching my gut. Neill and Reid are crammed into two small gray chairs beside Penn’s bed, while Nancy occupies an orange leather two-seater on the opposite side.

“Oh honey, we’ve been so worried about you.” Her warm voice hits my soul, instantly easing me. It physically pains me to hear it because I don’t deserve to feel the relief I do. She rises from her chair, pulling me immediately into a suffocating hug as I close my eyes, starting to feel some tension washing away.

She pulls away, turning her attention. “And you must be Mia!”

“It’s so lovely to finally meet you, Mrs. Brooks,” Mia beams, extending her arms to embrace Nancy.

“Oh, just Nancy, honey,” she says while squeezing tightly, “Oh my, are you ever beautiful.”

Mia’s cheeks perform their usual flushing, which only makes her even more striking, pale pink shimmering below her fair and freckled skin, but she smiles happily.

“Thank you.”