Page 85 of Fated Shot

Turning to me, Nancy raises her eyebrows and gives me a knowing look. I’m a lucky guy for sure, but don’t I already know it…

A deep throat clears as Neill stands, towering over her, stretching out his hand for a firm shake.

“I’m Neill, Penn’s father. This is our other son, Reid.” He motions his hand over to him.

On cue, Reid stands, leaning over Penn’s bed to shake her hand.

“I’m the better looking Brooks brother.” He grins ear to ear. “It’s nice to meet you.” His gaze lingers on her, but she turns to me instead, smiling encouragingly.

“Uh, hellooo,” Penn’s voice calls out, breaking the momentary silence. “If you’re all done, this is supposed to be about me, I’m injured over here.” His cheeky smirk lifts my mood instantly.

“You’re milking it like the baby you are,” Reid calls back, throwing up an elbow, causing Penn to flinch while Reid just laughs and slouches back into his chair.

“Mia, did you bring me cookies?” His hopeful tone calls out.

“Penn Callum Brooks, where are your manners?” Nancy’s attempt at a stern voice reaches his ears, turning them pink.

“Mom, she’s a baker, she lives for this. Right, Mia?”

Her soft chuckle hits me.

“Right,” she says, reaching into her tote bag to pull out a Tupperware filled with M&M cookies.

To say his face lights up would be an understatement as he whips off the lid, gasping and shoving an entire cookie in his mouth.

“You’re the best.” A dopey smile spreads across his face.

“Do you know how to play 31?” Reid asks, which happens to be the Brooks family’s favorite card game, it would always get quite heated. My girl shakes her head, making her way over. “Grab a seat, it’s super easy, we’ll teach you.”

Shooing Neill away, he clears a spot for her at the edge of the bed.

Taking a deep breath, I seize my opportunity to face what I’ve been running away from. Turning to Neill and Nancy I ask, “May I speak with both of you?”

They both nod, following me out into the hallway. As I’m working up the courage to say what I need to, Nancy begins. “She’s so lovely.”

I can’t help the smile that breaks out.

“She’s amazing, I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“I know how,” Nancy replies, patting my arm lovingly. I smile slightly, trying to refocus my energy on my mission. With a sigh, I let it all out.

“I wanted to apologize. I can’t thank you both enough for everything you’ve done for me and everything you’ve given me.” I choke the words out, looking over briefly at the happy scene in the room. Swallowing down the lump forming in my throat, I continue. “I don’t take it lightly how much I know I’ve let you down. It’s been twice now that I’ve failed to protect them, and I will never forgive myself for how everything played out.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, Jack,” Nancy replies in her usual chipper tone, catching me by surprise.

“I’m not being silly. It’s like history repeating itself right in front of our eyes. I didn’t prevent it from happening. You should hate me.”

Her round face contorts into one of sorrow and understanding. Her mouth opens to say something but she’s interrupted by a clearing of a throat.

Neill’s face is equally pained but stern. “No, I won’t hear another word of this.”

“But, sir,” I try to interject, as he raises his hand to signal a stop, his head shaking slowly. Nancy and I wait for him to continue, commanding presence on full display as neither of us dares to interrupt a Neill Brooks train of thought.

He closes his eyes in disbelief.

“This should go without saying. Hockey is a physical game, and everyone knows the risks associated with it. Nothing that has happened or inevitably will happen again will have any impact onhow Nancy and I feel. It has been nothing but a joy having you as part of our lives.”

There are sniffles coming from about a foot and a half below me as I get pulled into a side hug, but my eyes stay locked on Neill.