“Keyshauna and don’t fucking playing with me, Zion. The only reason I’m not offended is because I’m the only one who needs to know her name.”
Phalen smirked. “Chill. Key got his ass all defensive.”
“As she should. That’s his mate,” Lazar added. “And in consideration of our mates, I won’t hold you long. We can get started.”
“Oh, you’re considering mates now?” Jo came from the back, pulling her wild orange hair up into a bun.
“Don’t I always?” Lazar arched his brow and she smiled so damn big I almost laughed.
You were fucking right before we got here, weren’t you? – Me
Were you? - Lazar
No, but I will be as soon as we’re done. So let’s get this over with. – Me
Laz groaned and pointed to the living room for everyone to get seated. I sat, bringing Nessah down on my lap. Jo sat on the other corner of the sofa while Laz sat on the arm closest to her. Phalen filled the armchair while Xander and Phalen elected to stand.
“We have to figure out what to do with the Calhoun Pack. Rolf isn’t an acceptable Alpha. Regardless of how we felt about Seth, and please be clear I don’t fucking like him, at the very least he ruled the pack better than Rolf,” my brother stated bluntly.
Everyone nodded in agreement and Phalen spoke up. “Since you killed Seth, there’s no leadership left in place with the Calhoun Pack. We can’t have that.”
“And Rolf doesn’t count. Damn sure can’t have that muthafucker running loose over there with no supervision,” Lobo gritted.
Lazar nodded. “Phalen and I discussed things and came up with two options. Either we demand Calhoun leave Hollow Grove…”
“That’s not fair to the rest of the pack. Hollow Grove has been their home for the past five years. It was my home…”
“Was…” I stated, tightening my arm around her waist.
I’m your home now. – Me
You are. – Nessah.
“My point is, I don’t think it’s fair to make them leave because of poor leadership. That’s not something they could control.”
“I agree,” Jo stated.
“Which I knew you would…” Laz kissed Jo on the neck. “So Phalen and I decided the best option was to find new leadership for Calhoun.”
“There are no other Alphas in their pack other thanRolf,” I stated.
“We’ll have to elect one, train them, and make sure they are prepared to handle the responsibilities, which works in our favor…” Xander spoke up.
“We train the person so we know for sure they’re solid. No more breaking bylaws due to poor leadership and Calhoun becomes atruewolf community,” Phalen asserted.
“The only problem is, we either keep Rolf in place until we get someone selected and trained or we get rid of him now and have to send someone there to oversee the pack. Under normal circumstances, that would be you, Zion, because you killed the next in line to lead their pack.”
“I know you don’t think I’m going to oversee Calhoun while you figure this shit out,” I gritted.
“No, I don’t, which is why we’re electing to keep Rolf in place until we get someone trained. We just have to present it to Logan and Hubbard but keep in mind, they could demand you go.”
Seth had attacked me. I had every right to kill him but that didn’t mean I could escape the consequences. No member of any pack was above council rule, even us. If they voted and the majority demanded I go, I would have to.
“I’ll do whatever I have to as long as that shit is temporary.”
“It would be but it’s not happening. I already have someone in mind,” Phalen stated, getting everyone’s attention. “Moro Basque has a nephew who has been with Calhoun for the past couple of months. His father and brother are both Alphas so he was raised under Alphas. He’s the youngest of his siblings so he has no claim to their pack. I’ve met him several times. He’s smart, a natural leader and well-liked.”
“I’ve worked with him on tactical training. The same training our Deltas go through and he’s good,” Lobo added.