As soon as we entered the building, I noticed the difference in how I felt the day I returned. That pulsing need I felt entering the lobby and the unsettled feeling that nagged at my soul wasnow satiated. I glanced at Nessah seconds before we stepped into the elevator and she arched her brow in curiosity, trying to see where my head was at. It was as if she could feel my thoughts and I fucking loved that she felt me as strongly as I felt her.
I love you. – Me
I love me too. – Nessah
I barked a laugh and Neyla grinned, bouncing her eyes between us.
“I want to play too.”
“Then tell your sister you love her so she’ll be three for three.”
“I’m so lost,” she mumbled as the doors opened to the second floor.
“I told your sister I love her. Her response was I love me too. If you tell her you love her, that’s three for three,” I explained while Nessah removed keys from her backpack and unlocked the door.
Once we were inside, I dumped Neyla’s two duffels on the sofa and she parked her rolling suitcase next to it. “Was that really your reason?”
“Yep.” Nessah shrugged and turned to her sister. “Come on. I’ll give you a tour of the apartment then I’ll take you around the rest of the building…”
“That will have to wait. We have to go see Laz and Jo. Neyla can hang out here until later.”
“Oh…” Nessah frowned. “Well here, you take my keys just in case you want to explore. I’ll text you my access code so you can get to the pack only areas of the building.”
“Don’t bother. I’m tired, so if it’s okay, I’m going to shower, hang out here, and get settled.”
“You can do whatever you want.” Nessah smiled big. “Well, almost anything. Leaving is not an option.” She looped her arm through her sister’s and walked her to the back of the apartment. I waited for Nessah to give her sister the grand tour, then the twoof us took the elevator to our floor, dropped our bags off, and crossed the hall to my brother’s place. She stopped me before I was about to enter.
“She can stay, right? They’re not going to make her leave, that’s not why we’re here?”
“It’s my decision, not theirs, so yes she can stay. But Jo and Laz don’t want her to leave.”
Nessah relaxed and leaned into me, fisting the sides of my shirt. She dropped her head back and smiled. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I lowered my head and brushed my lips over hers before I kissed my mark. She moaned in the back of her throat and pulled me closer.
“And for the record, as much as I love myself, I love you more.”
“Is that right?”
“Very right. And as soon as we’re done here, I can show you just how right we are.”
“You finally marked her, didn’t you?”
Xander’s voice interrupting our moment pulled a growl from me. He chuckled, kissed Nessah on the cheek, and stepped around us. “Welcome to the family, Nessah. Looks like my baby brother finally grew a set. You’re officially one of us.”
Fuck you. – Me
Payback is a bitch, Zi.- Xander
I was always giving him shit about being a man to Toyin and Rafe. There was no doubt he was going to be on my ass with this one.
Laz and Jo were already inside waiting but I hadn’t expected Phalen Knight and his Beta Lobo to be here.
“Zion.” Lobo greeted me first with a handshake, followed by Phalen. They both smiled and nodded at Nessah.
“Looks like all the Bennett brothers are all off the market,” Lobo said with amusement. “Congratulations, Zi.”
“Thank you and same because from what I hear, while I was gone you finally stopped pretending you didn’t want your Alpha’s homegirl. What’s her name, Kim, Katherine…”