He had tapped her nose. “No. No need for that. You had your punishment, it’s over with. It’s a new day.”
He had worked her collar off her neck and told her to take a shower while he made breakfast. She’d been in there for half an hour already.
When the bathroom door opened, steam billowed down the hallway, making its way to the kitchen before she peeked her head around the corner. He hid his grin inside his coffee cup.
“Is it all right if I dress?” she asked, holding the towel around her chest. Her hair was all wrapped up in a second towel on top of her head.
He put his coffee on the counter and pressed his hands into the edge, needing the little bite to keep his attentions from centering on her naked form.
“Let me check your ass first,” he said, not moving.
Her lips scrunched up. “I already looked. There’s a bruise, it’s small, but otherwise it’s all fine.”
He tilted his head and waited. He wouldn’t repeat himself.
Realization finally hit her and she rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She stepped into the kitchen, turned around and dropped the towel until it hung just below her ass.
Her perfectly shaped ass.
He walked over to her, eyeing the bruise she mentioned. It was relatively small.
“Are you sore?” he asked, stepping up to her back.
She looked up over her shoulder. “Not really.”
He kissed her naked shoulder, then moved to her neck. “Good. Get dressed. Breakfast is ready when you are.”
“W-what are we having?” she asked, and he enjoyed the little tremor in her voice.
He grinned. “Steak and eggs.” He pressed another kiss to her neck and bit down on her earlobe. “On a plate if you’re good and get dressed quick.”
She sighed when he licked the little spot behind her ear.
“Unless you’d prefer your bowl?”
She responded with a soft laugh. “I think I can manage a plate today.”
He kissed her neck once more, wanting more than just a small nibble of her but satisfied that he would sink himself into her the first chance he got.
“Then dress fast.” He slapped her naked ass and went back to plating up their breakfast.
By the time he poured the second cup of coffee and got the plates to the table, she was back. Her wet locks were tied up in a tight bun and her face freshly scrubbed of all traces of makeup.
She blinked at the table. “Shouldn’t I be the one doing this?” she asked, taking a chair out to sit.
He handed her a fork and took his own seat. “Why? I already had everything prepped. The steaks weren’t eaten last night.”
A rose blush tinted her cheeks.
“You didn’t eat?”
“Sort of lost my appetite,” he said. “You can handle lunch if you want.”
“Oh, I have no problems having a personal chef. It’s just I would think that since I’m... since you’re... well, you—”
He laughed. “You think that because I’m the dominant in this situation, you have to wait on me hand and foot? No, doesn’t work that way—not with me at least.”
She nodded then dug into her breakfast.