Page 68 of Training His Pet

She waited until he turned his back to bring the bowl to the sink before turning around and crawling back to his bedroom. Erika crawled into the crate and turned around, kneeling and waiting for him to come tuck her in for the night. Arousal awakened within her, but she had to tamp it down. He wouldn’t allow her to find a release after being punished. The best she could hope for was his touch in the morning.

His boots sounded his approach. When he came into the bedroom, he had her bowl in his hands again. Maybe he would give her some of the steak before bed. Her stomach could use food. She hadn’t eaten since lunch.

“A little bit of water,” he said and placed the bowl inside the crate in the corner. “Don’t make a mess.” He squatted in front of the door and gave her a lazy smile. “I hope you behave better in the morning, sweet girl. So I can give you a reward for taking your punishment so well.” He ran his fingertips down the length of her nose.

He stood up and shut the crate, the metal lock clanked shut.

“Dax,” she said softly when he made to leave.

“Yeah?” He turned to look back at her from the doorway.

“I really am sorry.” She laced her fingers through the metal bars of the crate.

“I know.” He nodded. “Punishment ends in the morning, sweet girl. You’ll get all the kisses and rewards then.”

With that, he flicked off the bedroom light, casting the room in a gray haze. The curtains were drawn, and the sun was starting to fade behind the trees.

She drank a bit of the water he’d given her, washing out the salty taste of him, and curled up on the pillow. Her body ached, from the spanking, the crawling, the tension—it had been an intense evening. Anger at being locked in a cage should have been shaking through her. The indignity of licking up his cum from a bowl should have her wide awake and fuming.

Instead, her eyes flicked closed and with a contented sigh she let herself drift off to sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Dax scrubbed his handsover his face. It had been a long fitful night. Every sound woke him up, which led to him checking on Erika.

If the soft snoring he’d heard coming from her crate was any indication, she’d slept soundly.

The coffee finally finished brewing, and he poured himself a cup, leaving the second mug he’d brought down from the cabinet empty. Erika was still in the shower.

She’d been so compliant, so sweet, when he’d opened the crate door after finally giving up on sleep once the sun started to rise. He waited until she was awake, then gently opened the door, motioning for her to come outside.

She had licked her lips and crawled out, right to his side and pressed her face to his leg.

“Sleep good?” he had asked, petting her hair.

“Very,” she had answered. “I’m sorry—”