Page 70 of Training His Pet

“So, did you learn anything useful while you were running rogue?” he asked when she put her fork down.

“Not really. Didn’t really have time to get into anything specific. I assume Devin came running down here to tattle?”

Dax chuckled. “Yeah, he did actually.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hey, did you see my phone? It wasn’t in the bedroom. I have to call Christy or she’s gonna freak on me.”

Dax pointed to the counter. “It’s right there. I found it in the living room last night. You must have had it out while you were working.”

She grabbed it and started typing on the screen.

“I’m going to give my brother a call. When you’re done, clean up?” He pointed to the table.

“Sure, of course.” She nodded and went back to concentrating on her screen.

Dax grabbed his phone from the table and made his way out onto the back porch, dialing Corbin as he walked.


He blew out a frustrated breath then dialed again. Maybe he just hadn’t heard it.

Voicemail again.

His phone rang as soon as he ended the call.


“Sorry, no. Just me,” Trevor said.

Dax grunted. “Just you. Aren’t you working this morning or something?”

“I have another double today. One of our guys got himself hurt in a car wreck on the interstate. He’ll be out for a week. I just called to check up on you. Addison said things were a little tense when she was over there.”

Leave it to Trevor to start digging where he wasn’t wanted.

“They were. They aren’t now.”

“Uh huh. And?”

“And what?” Dax asked, kicking a small pebble from the porch.

“She also told me about the crate you rented and the toys—”

“Nothing’s sacred?”

Trevor laughed. “She wouldn’t normally talk about a guest, but, well, it’s you.”

“I didn’t realize your wife had such a thing for me.”

“Watch it.” Trevor’s voice went firm.

It was Dax’s turn to have a laugh. “Consider it watched.” Dax turned and noticed Erika standing behind the screen door, completely naked aside from her thick collar snug around her neck. “Uh...” he blinked, trying to refocus his thoughts, but she turned sideways, showing off the lush tail hanging behind her.

He forced his back to turn to her. “Do you still have friends in the Chicago PD?” he asked.

“Yeah. A few. Why?”

“Corbin’s not answering my calls. Can you get one of them to swing by and make sure... just check on him?” He wouldn’t think the dark thoughts. Corbin wasn’t in danger, but the little vixen mewling on the porch definitely was.