Page 90 of Shane

“And insane,” Everlee murmured.

“The whole woman scorned thing,” Shane added.

Tuesday shrugged. “Who cares? She’s not going to bother me anymore, is she?” With a bounce off the couch, she grabbed Heston’s open hand as if he’d just invited her to a party and they were late. “Bye, guys! We’ve got to go!”

Chapter Thirty-Three

By the time the front door closed behind Heston and Tuesday, Shane was totally focused on Everlee. She was chewing her bottom lip. Something was still bothering her.

He held out a hand. “Come with me?”

“I saw you kiss her,” she told the floor.

Ah, so that’s what’s been bugging you. That silly kiss.“You mean Tuesday? In the hospital hallway? Yes, she kissed me,” he confirmed without hesitation.

“Wanna explain?”

“Nope,” Shane replied, popping the ‘P’ as he leaned over and snagged one arm around Everlee’s waist, the other under her knees. “I’ve never lied to you. Not starting now. You saw what you saw, babe, but it was just Tuesday’s way of saying thanks and goodbye. She’s a hugger.”

“And a kisser,” Everlee grumbled. Her arms were around his neck, but hurt still shimmered in her eyes.

“And Heston was right there with us. Bet you didn’t see him, though, did you? Couldn’t have. He was beside your open door, and trust me, he didn’t even try to kiss me.”

Everlee let loose a half-hearted giggle. By then they were in her room and Shane was standing over her bed. He rested her backside on the edge of the matching nightstand while he tossed her rose-colored quilt and white sheets aside. Then he sat Everlee with her back to her pillow and told her, “You also noticed I didn’t kiss her back, right? A kiss on the cheek is nothing. I didn’t even do that. And, oh yeah, I’m sleeping with you from now on, babe. Got a problem with that?”

She was looking up at him by then. “You’re right. I didn’t see Heston and I do know you didn’t encourage Tuesday. And that kiss was pretty tame.”

“No big deal. I love you, Everlee. No one else. It’s you and me from now on. Only us. Can you handle that?”

“Yes,” she whispered. Her big brown eyes were wide with anticipation, and if she licked her lips one more time, he was going to need a cold shower to slow the freight train in his blood.

“Good. Take off your clothes.”

Of course, she challenged him with a snappy, “You first, big guy.”

Shane complied quickly. No reason not to. Her bossy expression changed to surprise when he yanked his t-shirt over his head and tossed it into her face. She caught it, and just like he expected, threw it back at him. He let it drop to the floor because he liked that her gaze was fastened on his chest. By then, he’d unbuckled his belt, but let it hang loose. He unsnapped his jeans next, and her lips formed a silent O. But when he dropped his pants to the floor and kicked them aside, her eyes lit up. She liked what she saw and he loved that she was looking.

“Keep going,” she whispered hoarsely. Those coffee-colored baby browns were dewy, as they should’ve been. He was no small man and his body was pointing at her, making his intentions clear.

“Yes, ma’am.” He shucked the briefs off and told her, “Your turn, babe.”

But the moment she doffed her shirt, he changed his mind. “Belay that order, LT. My present. I get to unwrap you.”

Sticking a knee into the mattress alongside her, he swung his other leg over her hips and pushed her shoulders gently back to her pillow. Her skin was golden against the white sheets, her hair a luscious coppery color that begged a man to run his fingers through it—just because he could. His bigger, wider body blanketed hers, letting her take just enough of his weight to know she’d soon be all his.

“You’re my lucky penny,” he whispered, his fingertips threading through those silky locks.

“Just worth one cent?” she teased.

“Just worth everything. Just mine,” he breathed. The pads of his fingers slipped over her scalp. She shivered. Her body arched into him. It was time.

Nimbly, Shane climbed off the bed, slipped her out of her clothes, and tossed them to who-cared-where. Back on top, he pressed her into the mattress. But his blood was running hot, too hot, and he was fighting his cock for control. Pesky thing tended to take over, and it had been a damned long time since he’d been in bed with a woman he truly cared for. He was already leaking pre-cum like a damned teenager, and it was all he could do to calmly slide his hands over her silky-smooth skin.

He’d barely slid a hand around her and unsnapped her bra when she took hold of him. His woman had a firm grip. A determined grip.Fuck.He closed his eyes to control his body’s natural drive to divide, thrust, and conquer. That might be the quickest way to get this job done, but Shane wanted more than just slam, bam, thank-you, ma’am. He wanted to take his time making love with the daring woman beneath him, the one who seemed to think she always had to be in control. He wanted to taste all of her secrets, to discover her ticklish spots, and to sink into her slowly. If it took all night, this first time would be about making love.

He wasn’t having much success slowing that freight train down, though. Her busy hand was working wonders on his cock with that perfect up-and-down push and pull, the slick pad of her thumb busily flicking over the sensitive tip. Heat snapped up his spine like tiny bolts of lightning. Shane cringed. This was happening too soon. Too fast.

“You keep that up and I won’t last,” he told her in no uncertain terms, his voice deep and raspy.