Page 91 of Shane

“Too bad, soldier,” she growled. “My bed. I’m the boss of you.”

Ah, how he loved a good challenge. With a mighty heave-ho, Shane had her topside, straddling him, her knees beside his hips, and her busy hands now flat on his chest to keep her balance. Whether she knew it or not, she was now in the prime position of control. But he suspected her past sexual experiences hadn’t anything to do with feminine control or pleasure or, hell, probably not even orgasms.

“Not fair,” she grumbled, wiggling those full hips like she knew what she was doing.

“Marine, ma’am!” he snapped with true Devil Dog arrogance. “Not soldier. Soldiers are Army. Get it right. If you’re gonna be in command, you damned well better know who you’re ordering around.”

“Is that a fact?” she drawled. But her face had lit up with a fiery glow that honestly, looked like the sun had just broken through those castle walls and that moat full of alligators she’d built inside.

“Damned straight! Now stop moving your ass, LT,” he ordered gruffly, slapping one hand on her bare ass and sliding down over their bellies and between their bodies. “First things first,” he told her with belligerent certainty, his thumb already working on her soaking wet clit, his fingers mapping the dripping cleft between her spread legs. Her breath hitched. She was so slick and damned warm. Tempting. Luscious.

“I won’t last long, but you’ll damned well be ready when we do this. We, understand? Not just you doing me, but… We. Do. This. Together. Got it, LT?”

“Yesssss, sssssir,” she hissed, panting like a beautiful beast, her knees squeezing his ribs tighter with every unrelenting flick of his thumbnail. Her eyes were closed, but her voice was soft and sexy like the kitten he knew she could be. Yeah, right. A saber-toothed kitten with nine-inch claws.

With a sexy moan, she arched her belly and those succulent, full breasts fell forward and she all but stuck them in his face. Shane closed the distance, opened his mouth wide, and sucked her breast into his mouth as far back as he could, and—

Fuck!He was in over-stimulation heaven. Suffocating maybe, with his nostrils buried against her soft, fragrant skin, her diamond-hard nipple at the back of his throat. But a man should die surrounded by the woman he adored. Just like this. With his mouth and his hands full. But that truly wasn’t enough, not for her, not for him.

Shane let her breast loose with a slathering wet pop and ordered her to, “Kiss me. Now, babe. Hurry your ass up, Air Force! Move it, move it, move it!”

“I’m moving it, already!” she declared with attitude, grinding her core onto his hand as she tipped onto his belly and…

This. Yes, this. He fuckin’ loved the irritation grumbling up her throat even as she obeyed him. Him, a lower ranking nobody. She was irritated because he’d wrested control of their lovemaking from her? Too bad. She thought she could order him around? Maybe later. Not now. Not with her moaning like she was, not with her gyrating her hips and grinding her core against his hand. If that was her way of punishing him?Guess again, babe.

With a grin, Shane closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet breath and her lips. Ev’s fingertips slipped from his chest over his head, into his hair. She grabbed a handful and tugged. The kiss turned feral. He kept his hands right where they were, one still on her ass, the other poised between her legs, not willing to sacrifice a second of prime real estate. Or that plump lower lip of hers. He bit down on it, ever so slightly. Just enough to sting. She tugged his hair harder, forcing his head into the pillow.

Just like he wanted. While she kissed and nibbled, he inserted one long finger into her and scraped a fingernail over that ridged erogenous zone just inside. Instantly, the kiss was over. She arched upright, and those perfect feminine muscles squeezed down on his hand like a clamp. Her head fell back. A throaty, sensual growl purred out of Everlee. Her sinuous arms lifted over her head. Her fingers delved into her hair, ruffling all that bronzed beauty while, at the same time, exposing full, blushing breasts that bounced like clumps of ripe, coppery-tipped grapes.

Shane blinked up at the golden, naked goddess straddling him. She was perfect, a combination of honey-flavored skin punctuated with diamond-hard nipples of russet and wine, and messy hair that matched. Honey and sass, that’s what Everlee was. Right then, he had a perfect view of his woman. From the crisp, reddish-brown curls where his thumb still played, up her centerline, to the sweaty valley between her plump breasts, up farther to the strong column of her stubborn neck. Moaning like the sex goddess she was, Everlee cupped her breasts together, opened her hazy eyes and looked down at him. Her tongue took a succulent lap around those perfect, kiss-swollen lips.

Made Shane hard as fuck. His cock thickened with more blood. He replaced his fingers with what Everlee wanted. What she needed. What he needed to give her. And Shane lost control. Not that he’d ever really had it. Not with this impish dominatrix sitting on him like she was. Where she was. Not with all that heat in her sultry brown eyes. This was her pouring herself into him. Giving up her control.

Yeah, right. There was no tempting, teasing preamble to what he did next. Just snapped his hips forward and—

“Fuck. Yeah, Ev,” he hissed as her heat enveloped him. Her core clenched tight, gripping his cock in a wondrous stranglehold. Then tighter. And tighter still. With every thrust, he met eager, slippery anticipation that held him fast.

A delightful, incoherent grumble wound up Everlee’s throat, vibrating through his cock. Shane set a faster rhythm, thinking he could climax with her. With every beat of his heart, he pounded forward or pulled backward, in sync with Ev’s body slamming down on him. With her legs growing tighter at his hips. With her body stiffening.

“Shane!” she growled.

And yeah, of course, she came first. That seemed to be the theme of their relationship. She needed to be first. Always. And it was no big thing for Shane to allow her the win. If it truly was a win. Everlee’s need to be smarter, to run faster and farther had driven her all her life. So, yeah. Shane didn’t hesitate making the sacrifice. Anything to make her happy. To please her. Anything.

“I see you, Everlee,” he whispered, breathing hard as he took hold of her pretty face and brought her within kissing distance.

He shouldn’t have looked up when she opened her eyes. Her pupils were blown, reducing the brown irises to thin rings at the edges of—forever. Her luscious body literally writhed against his. She was a woman undone.

Shane’s entire body stiffened at the sight of the wanton creature in his arms. The final rush of blood burned up his spine. He stuck his heels into the mattress for better leverage. Then…

“Fuck, yes!” Shane slammed himself upward into Everlee. Into home and forever. Into her slick, wet heat and her clenching grip that refused to let him go. Finally. He closed his eyes and gave himself over to this, his one and only second chance. To warmth and love and laughter. To trust and joy. To Everlee.

The muscles inside her body were still strong. Very strong. They fluttered like tiny determined fingers around his cock, tugging, jerking the last of his orgasm out of him. He let her win again. She stiffened and came. Then again. Each time, she whimpered through the pleasure while her body undulated against his, teasing him for another round.

He stilled, his hands now clamped on Everlee’s ass, holding her fast to him, his cock deep inside of her and already twitching like a needy addict who needed the fix only she could give him.

What a rush. What an eye-opening revelation. Her body was slick with sweat, and damned if another swell of wicked aftershocks didn’t wash over his cock, still clenching, still holding him inside where he wished he could stay forever. He was the weakest man on Earth, and damned glad of it. Women’s bodies were amazing. So much better than any man’s. But Ev’s was downright splendid.

Shane couldn’t refuse the smile that blossomed over his face, hell, over his entire body. He nearly laughed, the pleasure was so intense. So pure. But instead, tears flooded his eyes. He wrapped his arms around the woman who’d just saved him. Who loved him in spite of himself. The woman he would gladly give his life for. “I love you, Everlee Yeager,” he whispered into her ear. “So much. It feels like I’ve known you forever, babe.”