“I’m not that lonely little girl anymore,” Tuesday replied evenly. “Sure, I miss Freddie. Just sorry I didn’t shoot Astor in the face before she shot Ev.”
“Wish I’d seen you take that bitch down,” Everlee said. “That would’ve been priceless.”
“It was” —Tuesday’s chest expanded with a long inhale— “satisfactory, knowing I ended a predator like her. I don’t enjoy killing, but I approve of justice. Call it the most extreme version of tough love, but there’s a time and a place when we owe the victims in the world more than we owe a depraved killer. And Astor earned every ounce of the lead Heston and I put in her.”
“She did,” Heston agreed.
“How many?” Shane asked.
“Double tap from me but—”
“I only shot her once,” Tuesday declared, her head up and her green eyes clear of any sign of regret or guilt. “No need to waste ammo. She wasn’t a polar bear, for Pete’s sake.”
“Nope. She was an ass,” Everlee deadpanned.
Which broke the tension that had stolen over the group of friends.
“Do we understand why she killed Atchison Bremmer and those kids yet?” Shane needed to know.
Heston shook his head. “No, and the FBI is upset that she died before they had a chance to question her. But self-defense was definitely warranted. No doubt about it.”
“But babies,” Tuesday murmured. “That she killed her flesh-and-blood babies makes me sick. I don’t understand how anyone could do that.”
“Me either,” Everlee agreed.
Shane knew he needed to divert the attention away from how her mother died. “I’ve got teriyaki chicken in the oven,” he announced. “You guys will stay for lunch, won’t you?”
Everlee shot him a brilliant smile, either because she was hungry, which was good, or she knew precisely what he was doing, namely hinting. Which was even better. Yeah, they were going to make it.
“We can’t,” Heston replied, his palms on his knees. “Tuesday has to be in Manhattan early tomorrow morning. Just wanted to check in with you kids before we left.”
“We?You’re going with her?” Everlee asked.
“Yeah, sure. I’m still playing bodyguard. No big deal. Alex wants to be sure there’s no Astor-related blowback.”
“He thinks it’s possible?” Shane asked.
“Not likely, but he gave me the week off, and I’ve never been to New York, so I figured, why not? With Tuesday as my tour guide, it’ll be fun.”
“Do you still own Freddie’s condo?” Shane asked her.
She shook her head, which sent those golden curls bouncing off her shoulders. “No, I turned it over to the New York police department after that mess in Little Rock. They’ve assured me they’ve gone over it with a fine-toothed comb and there’s no danger of anyone else coming into contact with the toxin. After NYPD sells the place, the money will go to the New York Police and Fire Widows and Children’s Benefit Fund. And that guy Iallegedlykilled in my home in Dallas before Iallegedlyblew it up?” Tuesday poured a ton of sarcasm intoallegedlyjust like Everlee had done with her at the beginning of their mission. Shane couldn’t help the grin that split his face.
“He was another one of Astor’s minions,” Tuesday said. “Do you believe that? He might even have been the guy who followed me when I got home from the Arctic. Who knows? Dallas PD found his and Astor’s fingerprints in my bedroom, do you believe that?! That horrible woman meant to frame me for his murder, too. As well as those guys in the penthouse! What a lunatic.”
“She was that,” Everlee said quietly.
Her gaze had drifted to Shane. He was looking at her. Their simple across-the room connection sizzled and seemed to trigger a reaction from Heston.
His palms slapped his knees and he pushed to his feet. “We’d better get going.”
“Wait, before you leave,” Everlee said, “Does anyone know why Astor killed Freddie?”
“Oh, yeah,” Heston replied. “About that. Astor worked at One57, the Tower, where he lived, remember? Her first job was at the swimming pool, but she was also at the grand opening, serving champagne and finger foods. Mr. Lamb was there, mingling with other guests. Astor made a play for him, which he politely ignored. When she kept after him, he turned her down again, told her‘no thanks’loud enough that people heard. Then he walked away. Gotta give the man credit. He knew precisely what Astor was.”
“I still don’t understand. Why’d she need to destroy Tuesday if Freddie was already out of the picture?”
“Hard to know for sure, Ev,” Tuesday replied. “But I think it’s because I was Freddie’s widow, the woman he chose over her. That might’ve made her jealous.”