Chapter 27 - Laura

I looked up to the sky and smiled. The weather was stunning outside, with a gentle breeze. It wasn't hot, and it wasn't cold. It was a perfect day for a barbeque. "God, it's beautiful outside today. I'm so comfy."

"Speak for yourself," Wendy said across from the picnic table. She adjusted herself, looking uncomfortable. It was to be expected when you were eight months pregnant and weeks from giving birth.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Sorry. Did the doctor say if he wanted you to go the full forty weeks or not?" I asked, sipping my water as the wind blew.

"She is thinking she's going to induce me in a week or so since the baby is bigger and my blood pressure hasn't been great," Wendy said, rubbing her hands over her stomach. "And I'm ready. I feel like an oversized cow."

Ashley gave her a sympathetic look as she set Ivy down next to her. "I'm sure Ayden is looking forward to having another child in the house."

Wendy nodded her head. "He is so excited about another kid. He's practically staring at me at night, praying for it to happen."

I glanced over towards where the guys were standing. Ayden was grilling burgers with all the guys around him. They were all in a deep conversation, which I could imagine was work-related. I found Miles sipping on a beer, a smirk pulling at his lips. I then realized he was watching me. I blushed and turned my attention back to the girls.

"Do you guys have names yet?" Ashley asked.

Wendy shrugged. "We have a few picked out, but we haven't nailed it down to one yet."

"Owen has been thinking about wanting another," Ashley said, giving Wendy a face. "Thank you for that, by the way."

Wendy laughed. "You should know he wants a big family," she teased.

"Speaking of families." They both glanced my way. "How are things?"

I couldn't help but smile because things had been good. Over the past six months, a lot has changed. Miles started coming over and spending more time with Michael and me. He took me out on dates and even took Michael out for a few days to do things together. It was nice. I felt we were in a good spot.

We were planning a big road trip for us all to go camping. Miles and I had been talking about possibly living together, but we wanted to make sure Michael was also okay with the idea.

"Things are good," I said. Michael is getting used to Miles, which makes me happy. He still only refers to him as Miles."

"So, you guys are serious?" Wendy asked, tilting her head.

"Define serious because I'm pretty sure it was right at the beginning."

"Have you guys spoken of the future? If you are going to get married? Whose house you'll live in? If you want more kids?"

I blushed because, of course, that conversation had come up. Miles and I had talked about everything. We both didn't want a huge house, and neither of us really wanted more kids. Michael meant the world to both of us.

We had talked about moving in together, but couldn't decide who's. While Miles's house was bigger, he expressed thatit wasn't homey. My house was, but it wasn't huge. We'd spoken about adding onto mine, and he thought about renting his out.

We had even discussed the aging factor which I hadn’t worried much about until Miles and I were official. I was okay with Miles living longer, he could watch after Michael but I wasn’t so sure if he was. Miles had explained when you find your mate, you age together. Of course me being a human changes things a little. We were going to ask Wendy about a back up spell just incase me being human changed things.

"We have, but it's only been six months. Is it bad to be thinking about all that when it's this early?"

Before they could answer, a voice broke out. "Mom, when are the burgers going to be done?" Poppy yelled from across the yard. She was holding a softball in her hands, and Michael was standing a few feet from her, holding a bat.

"In a little bit," Wendy said, smiling at them.

Poppy turned back to Michael, and they went back to their game. Wendy turned to me, and I couldn't help but smile. Seeing Michael happy made me happy.

"Regarding your question, is Michael accepting Miles?"

"He is. I'm a little surprised at how well sometimes."

"It's Miles. He can get anyone to love him."

I chuckled, nodding my head, knowing that was true.