"No, I'm feeling fine."
"Are you lying?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "You're not supposed to lie."
I looked at Laura, who was trying to hold back a smirk. I shook my head. "No, I'm not lying. I got some medication, so I feel good. The sling helps."
Michael walked over, placing his hands on the table. He drummed his fingers. "Are you going to have a scar?"
I nodded. "It's possible."
Michael suddenly smiled. "Cool."
"Michael, how about you go pick out a movie for us to watch after dinner."
Michael moved, eagerly running into the living room. Laura smiled, pointing towards the small table near the back door.
After she set everything up, we all sat down to eat. Michael took a bite of his food and then seemed to bounce in his seat. "Mom said you ride a bike."
Laura looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going with that, Michael?"
Michael shrugged. "I know you said I couldn't ride, but you didn't say we couldn't go watch him."
"I won't be riding for a while," I said, smiling, happy that he was interested. “But when I do, you can come see. I can even get you a shift with my number on it."
Michael beamed, taking another bite of his pasta. Laura smiled, and I felt myself relax.
The meal went smoothly. Michael had questions about what I was like when I was younger and what sports I was interested in. He even expressed his interest and dislikes when I asked.
After we finished eating, Michael put on the movie he wanted to watch. Laura sat on one side of the couch while I sat on the other. Michael was wrapped up in a blanket, lying against Laura curled up.
I couldn't help but wonder if this is what it would be like if Laura and I were together. If this is what having a family was like. I enjoyed it. I wanted it badly.
After the movie was over, Michael started to get ready to head upstairs. Laura was putting the blankets back on the couch while I pulled my shoes on.
"Michael, come say goodbye," Laura said as he came around the corner. He looked at me. Bye…Miles." Michael then added, "I won't call you dad."
Laura scowled. "Miles, that's rude."
I quickly shook my head. "I don't expect you to," I said, knowing it wouldn't be that simple. It was going to take time.
"Good," Michael said, turning and heading up the stairs. Laura walked over, her eyes looking worried.
"You okay?" she asked.
As let down as I was, I was okay. Michael would come around. I could wait for as long as I had to. The fact he was talking to be was a good sign. And it meant I got to have Laura.
I nodded. "I am. I have both of you, and that's what matters. Not what he calls me."
She softly smiled, reaching a hand up and brushing some of my hair. "Well, to me, you will always be his dad."
"And who am I to you?" I asked, reaching a hand up and cupping his chin.
She raised an eyebrow, a small blush rolling over her cheeks. "What would you like to be?"
I smirked, leaning down and kissing her. "Your man."
She kissed me back softly and chuckled. "Is that all? Just my man?"
"I would love to be more, but I'm okay taking this all at a pace," I chirped, pulling back. "Because you're my woman."