"What are you girls talking about?" Miles asked as he came up from behind me. His arms reached out, pulling me against his chest. His head rested on the top of my head, and I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Ashley asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "First, tell me what you boys were talking about over there?"
Miles chuckled. "Who's cock is bigger."
I elbowed Miles, rolling my eyes. "We were talking about kids. Are the burgers going to be done soon?"
"Yeah, because I'm pregnant and need food," Wendy quickly added.
Miles swung his legs onto the bench, pulling me against him as he sat down. "Well, your husband just put them on, so it will be a while, but they do have the salads out if you want some."
Wendy was pulling herself up. "I need food."
Ashley offered her a hand, letting Wendy shuffle off towards the guys. She then looked at me. "So, you want to tell me more about this future you guys spoke about?"
I blushed once more, and I could feel Miles chuckling
"Do you want to tell them?"
I laughed. "We talked about moving in together. We aren't sure if we want to move into my place or get a new place altogether."
Ashley's eyebrows went up. "Oh my god, really! That's great."
"Really? You're not going to say it's too early?" Miles asked, his arms tightening around me.
Ashley shook her head. "This isn't like you've only known each other for six months. You guys have known each other for years. And you have a child together. This is exciting. This is a huge step forward for all of you guys."
Miles kissed the top of my head, and I sank against him. With his arms wrapped around me, I felt so safe and like life was where it needed to be.
Just then, Michael came up to the table and rested his hands on the wood. "Dad, can I have some lemonade?"
My entire body stiffened, and Miles froze up behind me. Even Ashley looked stunned, as Michael looked like he'd said it before—which he hadn't. He had yet to call Miles by anything but his name, and we weren't pushing the subject.
Miles cleared his throat, trying to find words. "Yeah, I can grab you some lemonade. Does anyone else need anything?"
"No, I'm good," I said, and Ashley shook her head.
Miles pulled himself up and headed to grab drinks with Michael. Ashley looked at me, stunned. "I thought you said he doesn't call Miles dad?"
I shook my head. "He doesn't. That was the first time." I looked over towards them, finding Miles grinning ear to ear with excitement. Even Michael was smiling next to him as he sipped on a glass.
"That's a huge step for you guys," Ashley said, "I'm so happy for you guys. Things seem to be working out pretty well."
The burgers were done a little later, and we all sat around and ate. We were telling jokes and laughing, and everything felt so perfect. I didn't know if things could be better.
Michael was sitting with Poppy across from Miles and me. He looked up from his plate and raised an eyebrow. "Have you asked her yet?"
Miles froze on his burger and swallowed slowly. I looked at Miles, confused. "Ask me what?"
"Nothing," Miles said, looking at Michael. "No idea what he is talking about."
Michael frowned and then looked at me. He then quickly shook his head. "Never mind."
"No, what were you talking about?" I asked, looking at Miles. "What did you need to ask me?"
"Nothing," Miles said. "He is talking about nothing, right Michael?"
"Right," Michael said, nodding his head. "Nothing at all."