Page 17 of Utah

We chatted for another ten minutes about what movies were hitting the streaming services we subscribed to, planning to watch one of them in a couple days. Glancing at the clock above the stove, I placed my mug on the table and stood. “Shit! I have to go. Utah has a doctor’s appointment in forty-five minutes.”

“Let me know how everything goes. And if there is anything specific you guys want to eat for dinner, tell me. I’d be happy to make it for you.”

I’d never turn down her cooking. “Okay, thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

Because our place was only two doors down from ourmom’s, I was home thirty seconds later, walking into my bedroom to find Utah struggling to pull his jeans on.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?” I asked, rushing toward him. “It’s only been a couple days since you were patched up.” I swatted his hand away when he continued to try to get dressed. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”

“Ow, woman. Damn.” He shook his hand as if I’d hurt him. “I’m injured here.”

“And infuriatingly stubborn.”

“Sorry, but I’m used to doing everything for myself. I don’t like depending on anyone.”

“You have no other choice right now. If you wanna get better anytime soon, you’ll let me help.”

He released the material. “Go ahead.” His rough tone warred with his soft expression. The arch of his brow dared me to… what? Argue? Comply? I wasn’t sure, and I didn’t have the mental energy right now to figure it out.

After pulling his pants up, thankful he’d managed to put on underwear this time, I dragged the zipper through its metal teeth and fastened the button. My hands lingered on his waistband longer than necessary before I stepped back.

“Did you take your pill?” I asked, looking for the bottle I’d left on top of the dresser. It was gone.


“Did you take the bottle?”

“Yeah,” he repeated. “Why? Am I not allowed to have my own pills? They have to be administered to me like I’m a child?” Gone was any trace of amusement I’d seen on his face seconds ago.

Confusion rattled me. “That’s not what I meant. I only wanted to make sure they weren’t misplaced.”

We held each other’s gaze for a moment before he spoke. “Sorry for snapping. I’m just on edge.”

“Anything you wanna talk about?” I rummaged through hisbag for one of his T-shirts. “Is this okay?” I asked, holding up a plain black shirt.


“Do you need help?”

“No,” he answered as he draped the material over his head, moving slowly so as not to stretch too much.

Tapping the screen of my phone, I saw we only had thirty-two minutes to get to the doctor’s office. On a typical day, it would only take twenty, but there was road work on the way there, so we needed to leave now if we were going to be on time.

After helping him with his boots, Utah walked toward the hallway with me in tow. Once outside, he looked up and down the street as if waiting for someone.

“You okay?” I asked, confused as to why he’d stopped.


The downturn of his mouth and the pinch between his brows told me the wheels turned in his head. Whenever he displayed this expression, I’d learned it was useless to try to pry information out of him because he was like a steel trap.

I brushed past him and headed toward my car. After only two steps, I stopped and turned around, almost knocking into him.

“Sorry, I forgot my car was too small.”

“It’s okay. It was just that day leaving the clubhouse. I’m a little better now.”

I pressed the button to unlock the doors as we approached. “I’d offer to let you drive, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”