“I’ve been looking at you this whole time,” she said, her shoulders quickly rising then falling. “Tit for tat.”
“Tit for sure.”
She playfully slapped my arm. “Okay, hold still. I’ll get yourfront.” She held up the washcloth. “Are you still feeling okay?” I nodded. “No dizziness?” I shook my head. “Good. Close your eyes.”
“Because I don’t want to get soap in them.”
I did as instructed, and she washed my face and beard. I could’ve done it, but I allowed her this time to care for me. Who knew how many more times in the future she’d cater to me on this level. I was going to enjoy this for all it was worth.
After tilting my head back to rinse my face, my eyes were glued to every movement she made. The pinch of her brows when she washed around my wound was cute, so worried she’d hurt me. When she crouched in front of me, my dick jumped in response to her proximity. She noticed, the rush of pink to her cheeks so goddamn sexy. She didn’t say a word, though. Not until she stood back up and ran the washcloth between my legs.
“Can’t forget this area, right?”
My breath got stuck in my throat, the gentle tug on my balls making me harder than before, if that was even possible.
“Careful, Ria. I might be injured, but I’ll muster the energy necessary.” I didn’t have to spell out what I meant. She was fully aware, which was apparent by the glint in her eyes and the tip of her lips.
Her gaze locked with mine as she squeezed my dick, running the soft, wet material up and down my shaft. The singular gesture was quick, but I squeezed her arm all the same, dropping my mouth close to hers.
“There. All done,” she abruptly said, reaching around me to shut off the water. She exited the shower and snatched a towel from the rack. I walked out after her and braced my arm against the nearest wall. I was still weak from my injuries, but I was more amped up from her teasing. “I’m gonna dry you off now.”
I relieved some of the pressure in my lungs. “Don’t tease me.”
I hadn’t intended for my voice to be so gruff, but I didn’t think I’d be able to restrain myself if she touched me like that again.
“I won’t.”
Luckily for us both, she told the truth.
“Here you go, honey.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I took a sip of the ginger tea she handed me, my sudden wave of nausea making my mouth water. They called it morning sickness, but it hit me at various times throughout the day.
“How’s Utah doing?” She brought her mug of coffee to her lips, blowing on it to cool down the hot liquid. “Did they ever find the person who hit him and took off?”
I didn’t want to lie to her any more than I had to, but I wasn’t about to tell her the truth either.
“He’s still in some pain. And no, we haven’t heard anything. But I’m sure karma will come back on the person who did this to him.” I prayed my words weren’t spoken in vain.
She tapped the top of my hand, smiling her motherly grin of sympathy and warmth. I wondered if I inherited any of her traits. She was kind, compassionate, and strong. Would my child look at me with adoration as I did her?
Melinda Grayson had endured not only the loss of the love of her life when our father passed away eight years ago, but she’d been in a terrible accident three years back. Someonehad run a red light and slammed into the back of her, messing up her back so badly, she had no choice but to go on permanent disability. She’d undergone two back surgeries, but she still suffered when she stood or sat for too long.
As if on cue, she grimaced as she shifted in her seat.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
She tapped my hand once more. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”
“Fine” was her typical response when any of her children asked her how she was doing. Her standard reply aggravated Knox because he was as protective of her as he was us, and when he found out she’d needed help with something and didn’t tell him, he interpreted that as a failure on his part. He’d taken up the role of protector, and I didn’t envision him letting go of those reins anytime soon.
She tucked an errant strand of blonde hair behind her ear, her beautiful smile working to convince me she told the truth. I’d often been told I looked like her, which was a compliment as she was beautiful. We shared the same honey-blonde-colored hair as well as our deep-shaded brown eyes—a shade Knox possessed too.