“I’d have to agree.”
After he slowly folded his large body into the passenger seat, he leaned forward and maneuvered the seat belt behind him, clicking it into place to stop the ding of the warning bell. I didn’t need to ask why he didn’t wear it strapped over him because it would rest directly over his wound.
The only sound during the first five minutes of travel wasthe radio. I would like to say the silence was comfortable between us, but there was an underlying awkwardness swirling around, and I wasn’t sure if it came from me or him. Or both.
I didn’t have time to wonder long before a wave of nausea hit. “Ohhhhhhh…” I groaned, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.
“Are you okay?”
I shook my head, praying I wasn’t about to throw up. One deep breath through my nose, then out through my mouth, was followed by another. Then another.
“Mint,” I finally managed to say, pointing toward the storage area nestled between us.
Utah rifled through the center console, pulling out a pack of peppermints. His large fingers fumbled with the lid. Another groan from me had him practically tearing the box in two.
“Here.” He popped it into my mouth.
There was something about the sucking motion that gave me some relief. I kept that information to myself, however, because I didn’t need to hear what enticing things he’d have to say on that subject. Not right now, anyway.
“Do you get sick like this a lot?”
The concern in his voice was sweet. From my periphery, I could see he was looking at me, but I kept my attention on the road ahead. A wave of hormones wafted over me, and if we made eye contact right then, I’d start crying.
“Almost every day. It comes out of nowhere.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For doing this to me?”
I finally turned to look at him, my smile mirroring his. Instead of wanting to burst into tears like I had seconds ago, I was filled with gratitude that Utah had decided to step up and help me with the baby. Initially, I’d pushed him away because I wasn’t sure whether I was going to go through with the pregnancy, but the man was persistent. His perseverance was one ofthe reasons I decided to keep the little bean. Although the idea of being a mom scared the hell out of me, at least he’d be there with me.
“At least we had fun doing it.”
I couldn’t argue with him. The sex between us had been phenomenal, the best I’d ever had.
“Do you miss it?”
“Us having sex? Fuck yeah. You know I—” He abruptly stopped speaking and turned to look out the window.
“You’re not gonna finish that sentence?” I asked when he continued to be silent.
“I just miss what we had. That’s all.”
There was more to it than that, but because we were pulling into the parking lot of the doctor’s office, now wasn’t the time to press him for more information.
I’d save my interrogation for the future, if and when another opportunity arose.
I’d woken up sorer than yesterday, so I’d taken an extra pain pill. I didn’t tell Ria because the last thing I needed was a lecture, and trust me, she would’ve spoken her mind.
Walking into the doctor’s office put me on edge more than I was already. But if I was to be of any use to the guys during the upcoming Mexico trip, I needed the doc to give me multiple refills on my meds. I prayed he didn’t refuse.
There were five people in the waiting room. A bald elderly man who was groaning and holding his side. A redheaded woman who appeared to be in her late thirties, rocking back and forth, her skin ghostly white. A younger man and woman sitting together in silence, staring at their respective phones. And an obese woman who barely fit into the chair. She sported a cast on her lower right leg. Except for the younger couple, everyone present appeared worse off than me. Whether that was true or not was simply perspective.
“Hey, you two,” Kyla greeted, flashing us a big smile.
“I’ll let Dr. Sanders know you’re here.” She disappeared for a moment, and when she came back, she pulled Ria to the side. They whispered about God only knew what. Not that Icared. I had more important issues at hand, my pill refills at the top of that list. My health and healing were a close second.