Page 12 of Tripp

“First off, I told you I’m not firing you. Well, not exactly. And second, whoIam is your boss. See the patch on that vest coverin’ ya? It says ‘Knights Corruption.’ The very same club that owns this place.” Cocking an arrogant brow, he leaned down and said, “So I hold all the authority, sweetheart.”

Captured in a good old-fashioned stare-off, it wasn’t until Carla placed her hand on my shoulder that I turned my attention away from the man in front of me and on to her.

“You okay, hon?” she asked, concern for my well-being written all over her pretty face.

“Yeah, but . . . I just got fired.” I tried to remain strong, but the hitch in my voice gave me away.

“What do you mean?” Stealing my space, she stood in front of me. “Tripp, what is she talkin’ about?” Pinning her hands on her hips, she asked, “Did you really just fire her?”


“She’s not workin’ here anymore.” The look on his face left no room for argument, but that didn’t stop Carla.

“She didn’t do anything wrong and you know it.”

“I know that,” he argued.

“Then why?” Carla pressed, reaching behind her and grasping my hand, funneling her support through her touch.

“I’m not justifying my choice to you or anyone. It’s done. Let it go.” He stood taller and crossed his arms over his broad chest, his muscles stretching the fabric of his shirt.

His size should have intimidated me, but it did the exact opposite—I felt safe next to him, protected, like nothing in the world could harm me. And even though he’d just fired me, I couldn’t help but commit every facet of this incredible man to memory. Carla’s next words shoved me out of my assessment and back into the increasingly tense situation.

“Stone left it up to me to find Heather’s replacement, and I did. So you can’t stroll in here and undermine me. That’s not how any of this works.” Tripp remained still, only the repeated arch of his brow a giveaway that he was even listening. Carla huffed and stepped closer, releasing my hand in the process. Shoving a finger into his thick chest, she said, “You don’t scare me, Tripp, so stop trying.”

His response was sudden. He reached around the club manager and snagged my wrist, gently pulling me behind him as he strode quickly toward the door. “It’s done, Carla, so find another girl.”

When I ventured a glance behind me, I saw Carla shaking her head, her lips moving so rapidly I was sure she was having quite the conversation with herself.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Home,” he answered, never bothering to look at me.

“I don’t need you to take me anywhere.” I tried to pull free from his grip but he only tightened his hold. “I’m fine by myself. You’ve had your say. You’ve fired me, so stop confusing me with pretending you care what happens to me. I can make my own way home.”

He continued on, walking so fast I tripped over my feet in my haste to try and keep up. When I smacked into his back on my lurch forward, he stopped and spun around, his hands instantly steadying me. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I walk fast when I have a purpose.” Then he did something which completely threw me off-kilter—he smiled . . . and I swore I thought I was gonna faint. In an instant, all the anger and frustration I’d felt toward him melted away.

The way his green eyes lit up captivated my soul. Odd sentiment, I know, but so very true. The breath in my lungs stung after endless seconds, but I wanted to remain frozen in the moment, relishing the odd peace catapulting me into a different place in time.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his fingers dancing over the tops of my arms once more. Closing in on my personal space, he stood so close I had to crane my neck just to see his face. His warmth enclosed me, his intoxicating scent flicking on a switch inside me that had been off for a very long time.

I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle myself into him, to rest my head against his chest and feel the thrum of his heartbeat, but of course I held back. He’d think me some kind of fruitcake if I did such a thing. Instead I stood tall and allowed myself to escape inside those entrancing orbs of his.

“You okay?” he repeated, cocking his head to the side while waiting for an answer.

“Y-yeah. I’m fine,” I finally responded, my hold on his vest unrelenting as I used it to keep myself covered. “But I’d like to get dressed before we leave.” Knowing he wasn’t going to make the first move and back up, I retreated a few steps, his hands falling to his sides.

Music vibrated from the speakers. Men shouted at the naked performer on stage, their hoots and hollers blending into one another’s. A glass shattered in the distance, followed by a few choice words from Carla. A woman’s laughter rang out into the sexually charged air, but none of it registered completely. It was as if I existed in a daze, everything around me a mirage. As if it weren’t really happening. But dead center in the mix of the cloudy vision of the club stood two people, everyone else fading into obscurity with each second ticking by.

Tripp and me.

Our eyes devoured the other, the air between us shared.

Our worlds were colliding, exploding and threatening everything we thought and knew. I saw the shared experience in the twinkle of his eyes and in the way his full lips kicked up in the corners, smiling because he saw the same recognition in me.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tripp nodded before pushing a strained puff of air through his lips. “Go. Put some clothes on and grab your things. I’ll be waiting right here.” His tone told me everything, and I knew I’d better hurry before he lost his patience and dragged me out of the club. Naked or not.
