Page 11 of Tripp

“Don’t. I got her,” I said, crouching and resting my hands on her shoulders. “Look at me.” She ignored me and kept her head down. “Look at me,” I said more forcefully, while still keeping a hint of compassion in my voice. Finally, she complied, lifting her head slowly until her eyes connected with mine. “What’s your name?”

“Reece,” she whispered. Tortured blue-grays shredded me, the hurt and fear lingering in her gaze pumping my anger to new heights all over again. It was then I noticed she’d been choked, the bastard’s fingerprints bruising her delicate neck, the reddened area already starting to darken.

Barely controlling myself, I reached for her hands and guided her to her feet, pulling her into me to shield her nakedness from everyone present. Without turning around, I shouted to Hawke, “Get him the fuck out of here and make sure he understands that if he ever comes near this place, or her, again that we’ll snatch his life from him.”

As Hawke and Ryder dragged the bastard past us and from the room, she began to tremble more, wrapping her arms around my waist and trying like hell to disappear. If she could’ve climbed inside my body, I swore she would have. After what felt like forever, I dislodged her hands from around me and took a small step back. I shrugged off my cut and wrapped it around her. The sight of how it swallowed her up was almost comical, but at least she was covered.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice small and frail. I nodded before turning my attention to Carla, who was still standing close by. “Can you stay with her for a second?”

“Absolutely.” Carla drew Reece into her embrace, whispering something in her ear in an effort to comfort her.

Stalking toward the security guy, I grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall. “Where the fuck were you? Why weren’t you watching the cameras?” I roared, slamming him against the wall once more. “You could have prevented what happened to her.” Stunned, the guy went mute on me, eyes widening in fear for his life. “Where were you?” I repeated.

“I’m sorry. I . . . I was . . . busy,” he stumbled over his words.

“Busy doin’ what? Gettin’ your dick sucked?” The surprised look on his face told me I’d hit the nail on the head, and it took everything in me not to snatch him by his throat and squeeze the life out of him. “Well, I hope it was worth it because you’re fired. Get your shit and get the fuck out of this club before I make it so you can’t walk outta here,” I threatened.

Spinning around, I headed back toward the two women. “Carla,” I said, pulling Reece from her arms and back into mine, “I need you to tell all the girls they aren’t to mess with the men when they’re on duty. Ever. And give the guys the same message. Because if this shit happens again, I’ll rain holy hell down on whoever fucks up.”

“I’ll take care of it,” she assured, glancing quickly at the younger woman and then back to me before giving me what looked like a thankful smile.

Once it was just the two of us standing in the middle of the room, I stepped back to put some distance between us. With my fingers under her chin, I slowly lifted her head. “How’s your neck? Because it looks pretty fuckin’ bad.”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” she confessed.

“Fuck!” I shouted, calming my tone once I saw her flinch. “Sorry. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I know.”

Looking into her beautiful, soul-captivating eyes, I knew she meant what she’d said. Those two simple words of acknowledgement were all I needed to forge ahead with my plan.


What I felt when in this man’s presence was unlike any other emotion I’d ever experienced. His concern wrapped around me like the warmest of blankets, his desire to protect me settling my wayward nerves. My nakedness shielded by his large leather vest, I clutched it tighter and walked next to him as we headed toward the exit. I had no idea where he was taking me, and for the briefest of moments I didn’t care. All I wished to do was live in the existence that a stranger rescued me. A stranger who captivated my attention and never let go. I didn’t understand the pull I felt toward him, but after the night I’d had, all I wanted to do was forget about what happened and try and salvage an ounce of dignity before I broke down in front of the large man walking beside me.

“You’re not working here anymore,” he blurted, making me stop dead in my tracks while he continued on ahead. He hadn’t realized I stopped following him until he happened to turn his head to the side, expecting to see me beside him. The look of anger mixed with fear on my face propelled him to walk back toward me. “What’s the matter?” he asked, as if he hadn’t just stolen my livelihood right out from under me.

Cinching his vest tighter around me, I narrowed my eyes before speaking, trying to choose my words wisely. But as soon as my lips parted, I rambled like some sort of fool. “How . . . how is it my fault? I didn’t provoke him. I swear. I was only trying to give him a lap dance, and then he stroked himself and when I told him to stop he got angry, and when I tried to escape he got angrier and came after me and . . . and . . . I’m sorry.” After all that, I ended up apologizing for being the cause of the eruption at the club that evening.

The stranger’s head cocked to the side and studied me for a moment before asking, “Why are you . . . ? What’s the matter?” Truly looking confused, he rested his hands on my trembling shoulders.

“I need this job,” I pleaded, lowering my head in nervousness. “Please don’t fire me. I swear it won’t happen again.” How I could promise such a thing was beyond me, but I did. I’d say anything I needed to, no matter how ridiculous, to ensure I kept my job. I wasn’t above begging and groveling, having been doing it for years. Raising my chin I stared at his broad chest, covered by a thin white T-shirt. Imagining what his naked torso looked like distracted my overactive brain, if only for a few seconds. Lifting my chin higher, I had no choice but to finally look at him, the frown marring his handsome face quite puzzling.

“I’m not firing you for what happened. But I won’t lie and tell you that you’re gonna continue to work here. It’s not happenin’.” His fingers trailed over the tops of my arms, and even through the thick leather covering me, the contact heated my skin to scorching levels.

I needed space.

“I said I was sorry. It’ll never happen again.”There I go again with my half-assed promises.

“You’re goddamn right it won’t happen again. I’ll make sure of it.” The muscles in his jaw jumped, his fingers digging into my arms in what appeared to be anger.

I couldn’t figure out why he blamed me entirely for that bastard attacking me.

Shrugging out of his grasp, my own anger took hold, but experience told me to watch my tone. Although, all reasoning aside, there was something about the man brooding in front of me that told me he wouldn’t physically lash out at me.

“What makes you think you have the authority to fire me?” I grasped at straws, but hopefully throwing a legit question at him would make him take his attitude down a notch.

Apparently, I was about to be schooled.