Page 13 of Tripp

“Are you fuckin’ him?”

I knew exactly who’d asked the abrupt question, my locker door thankfully blocking the woman from sight. But I couldn’t hide behind the metal barrier forever. Once the latch clicked closed, I turned my head and gave her a fake smile.

“Can I do something for you, Arianna?” I asked, wishing she’d just leave me alone. Ever since I started working at the club she’d given me a hard time, throwing me nasty glares, hiding my costumes and makeup, and making snide comments. I got it—she didn’t like me, although I couldn’t fathom why. I’d never done anything to her, but I gave up caring, especially when Carla told me she was only acting like that toward me because she was jealous of all the attention I was getting from the customers. The same customers who used to fawn all over her.

“You hard of hearin’? I asked if you’re fuckin’ him,” she repeated, haughtily crossing her arms over her chest and pushing her fake tits up higher.

“Who are you talking about?”


“You know him?”

“Oh, honey.” She laughed. “I know himrealwell.” She winked and licked her thin lips, dropping her arms to her sides before stepping closer. “I fucked him so many times I’ve ruined him for any other bitch.”

If Arianna weren’t such a nasty person she’d actually be attractive. Close to my five foot eight, she had a nice build, although she’d gone a little overboard with her implants. Only my opinion, of course. She also caked on the makeup, something I thought was a waste of time because the men weren’t too concerned with our faces. She wore wigs like the rest of us, but the first time I saw her natural reddish hair, all thick and wavy, I’d been jealous. That was until she opened her mouth and snapped at me, asking why I was leering at her. Ever since then I’d tried my best to stay clear of her whenever we worked the same shift, but she always seemed to seek me out for her own amusement.

“Well?” she pressed when I remained silent.

“I just met him.” I had no idea why I gave that answer, but I couldn’t think of anything but the truth.

“Well, he won’t want your simple ass anyway, so don’t even bother.”

I chose not to engage, pushing past her and grabbing my purse and bag from the bench, along with Tripp’s vest.

As soon as Arianna’s eyes latched onto his leather, she gave me the nastiest look. “You just met him? Then why do you have his cut?”

“His what?”

“His cut,” she sneered, pointing at the vest in my hand.

“He gave it to me until I got changed.” I hadn’t wanted to continue the conversation, but I found myself babbling on nonetheless.

“Well, since I’m going home with him tonight, I’ll give it back to him.” She reached out and tried to snatch it from my hands but I moved back, clutching his property tightly. A possessiveness I’d never encountered before took over. I couldn’t explain it and I didn’t have time to, not before Arianna stepped closer and tried to grab the vest once more. Thankfully, Carla interrupted us; otherwise, I had no idea what would have happened. I’d already endured enough that evening, and another fight was the last thing I needed.

“Arianna, you’re not done with your shift. Let’s go,” Carla demanded, pointing toward the door for her to leave.

“Fine,” she scoffed, “but remember who he’ll be fuckin’ later, sweetheart.” She narrowed her eyes, trying her best to intimidate me before knocking into me on her way out the door.

“What the hell was that all about?” Carla’s compassion for me was comforting, but I was tired and the only thing I wanted to do was leave. End this night and lose myself to sleep until the dawn promised a new day.

“I have no idea,” I lied, not wanting to explain because I didn’t completely understand myself.

Following Carla, I walked across the main room until I stood behind Tripp. He didn’t know I was there, as was apparent by his conversation with whoever was on the other end of the phone.

“That’s fine. Yeah, I don’t care. Whatever you need.” He sighed. “I said I don’t care.” Those were his final words before he hung up. Tucking his cell away, he turned around and practically bowled me over since I’d been standing so close. He looked confused for a moment, grabbing a strand of my hair and twirling it around his fingers. I’d removed my wig, my long chestnut color clearly a surprise to him.

“I was beginning to think I’d have to come and collect you.” No smile traced his lips that time, which led me to believe he was completely serious. Did he not trust that I’d leave the club on my own accord? That he’d have to personally escort me out? And why was he insistent on driving me home? Why not just put me out and be done with me? I’d just met this man, yet already he confused the hell out of me with not only the way he looked at me but the way he made me feel. I should’ve been infuriated with him for firing me, but I wasn’t. Well . . . I was, but I also wanted to spend more time with him, defying all reason and logic.

Placing his hand on the small of my back, he guided me toward the exit. Before we made it, though, Arianna came out of nowhere and grabbed Tripp’s arm. “I’ll see you later, baby,” she fussed, glaring at me quickly before looking back at Tripp. Before he could answer, she pressed her nasty lips to his and strolled away.

A twinge of jealousy roared through me as I put one foot in front of the other rather quickly and walked farther away from Tripp. I should have known he wasn’t going to let me get too far ahead of him, the feel of his hand on my waist annoying yet comforting.

“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” he said, pushing the door open for me.

Without looking back, I responded. “None of my business. Just like it’s none of your business who I go home with.” Being snarky wasn’t a trait of mine, but I found it came in quite handy just then.

I half expected him to come back with a retort but he remained silent. I knew my comment bothered him, though; I could just feel it.