As we talk, I once again have a feeling of contentment. This is something new as even though my life is good, this is way better than that. Even with all the pressure of the last week, being with Ruby changes everything in my way of thinking. What I told Ruby earlier is so true. Both Mom and Dad can’t wait to come up here and meet Ruby. I shared with them that I’m looking for property up here. Neither said a word, just told me they are happy for me.
Before Presley hangs up, he asks if there is anything he needs to bring. That’s when an idea starts to shape in my mind. I tell him about the farmer and family we met right off the highway. “If you wouldn’t mind stopping and buying some of their items, I’ll reimburse you. Tell everyone that applies to them too. Presley, brother, they are suffering and very proud. Do your best okay, dude?”
By the time we finish talking, we are pulling up in front of our cabin. We both jump out of the vehicle and start unloading it. Ruby starts to laugh and when I look at her, she’s pointing at the—well, holy hell—six bags from the chocolate store. And they’re huge bags.
“Guess you were right, I went nuts. Hope everyone likes chocolate as much as I do.”
We unpack and put everything away. The place looks awesome and the cleaning people even placed some flowers around the cabin. Being it’s our last night alone here, I tell Ruby to give me a minute. Going into the master bedroom, I walk to the bathroom and turn the tub water on. Then I look at the bottles on the shelf above and pour in some bubble bath. I makesure there’s a robe ready, put the table next to the tub, and walk back out to Ruby.
“Beauty, do you want red or white wine? I’m running you a bath, want you to relax as tonight’s our last night alone up here. I’m going to fix us a tray of finger foods to start. So go on, get yourself in the tub. You said white, right? I’ve got the table next to the tub, I’ll bring your wine in.”
She moves to me, lifting up on her toes, and placing a kiss on my lips. I let her play for a second or two then I take charge of the kiss. I need Ruby to understand I want her with every breath I take. But I can wait ’til she’s ready for more. This is not a one and done, I want to spend my life with her.
Once she almost skips to the bedroom, I grab the wooden tray and cut up fruit and cheese, placing it on the plates that came with the tray. I throw some of the crackers still left and finally grab one of the bags of chocolate I bought. Inside are chocolate-covered strawberries and some toffee. Two of my favorites, and I hope Ruby likes them too.
It’s time to let my woman know she’s not only gorgeous and kindhearted but beyond desirable.Let’s hope my plan worksis my thought as I pick up the tray, which has two glasses on it, and I have the bottle of white wine under my arm. Can’t wait to see how Ruby reacts.
Wow! That soak was fantastic and I’m shocked Lachi even thought about it. He’s so frigging thoughtful. I don’t want to get out but the water is starting to go cool.
Once out and after I rinse the tub, I powder and put my body lotion on. I go about drying my hair because if I don’t it will be a bird’s nest in the morning. Then I pull that soft robe on and slide my feet into my slippers. I leave the master bath in search of Lachi. When I find him, my mouth waters and I go warm in a few places too.
Lachi is stretched out on the sectional, laptop on his lap—though his eyes are closed—and his face is beyond relaxed. Only time it is, is if he’s sleeping which, apparently, he is. Standing in the open plan kitchen by the island, I take all that is Malachi in. He’s beyond gorgeous but it’s his beautiful heart and kind ways that have me wanting to say those three words, though it’s probably way too soon. Though I’ve felt this way before, that is why I was meeting him in Billings. That is until I lost my ever-lovin’ mind and let my anxiety take over. No more though. We’ve talked over just about everything. I’ve never shared as much with anyone else in my entire life. And Lachi wanted to know the little things, like which is my favorite season, which of courseis fall. He asked me if I preferred shower or bath, so that’s why there is a huge tub in that bathroom and why he set it up tonight. He knew what I liked. God, it’s actually humbling the way he takes everything in. I know he does because of all he does for me. I’m still stuck on how far he went with Doug and Chrissy. There is no way he’s going to let them struggle if he can help it. Changing the world one person at a time.
“Beauty, might want to take a picture, it’ll last longer. Why are you all the way over there? Get that fine ass next to me so we can cuddle.”
Not sure why, but I start to giggle because of what he said. It cracks me up as I walk toward him. When close to him, he reaches out and pulls me onto his lap. As soon as I try to shift, I feel how hot and hard he is beneath me. As much as I want to tease him a little bit, I don’t. Then he whispers in my ear, “See, Ruby, it’s not that I don’t burn for your taste on my lips or your body fused with mine. Never doubt my desire for you. There is no timeline on how we proceed. As long as we continue to be honest and talk, we’ll be good, promise. Now, if you can keep your mind off of my cock, maybe we can watch a movie. I can even make some microwave popcorn because I know we have some.”
Not even aware until I hear the noise, it hits me I snorted just now. Lachi is watching my face with a huge grin on his face. I raise my eyebrow without asking the question because I know he knows me.
“Ruby, to see that look on your face is priceless. You let your guard down enough that you reacted naturally. That tells me you are either comfortable with me or getting there. All I can ask for. So how about you pick a movie and I’ll make the popcorn?”
“What do you want to watch, or better yet, what don’t you want to watch? I’m sure chick flicks are off the table, right?”
This time he chuckles, leans down, and places a kiss on the tip of my nose.
“Beauty, you pick whatever you want to watch, I’m game. Meet back here in five minutes.”
Once he gets up and walks toward the kitchen, I move to see what movies are available. When I see one of my favorites, I pull it and load the DVR up. Just in time, as Lachi returns, hands filled with a huge bowl of popcorn and two glasses of wine. Once we’re set, I tell him to start the movie and when he jerks his head my way, I give him big eyes.
“Are you kidding me, Ruby? No way, this is in my top ten movies of all time.”
“Really? You’re not just saying that, are you? I’ve loved it since it first released. It actually helped me to get my power back. Who doesn’t loveGI Jane?”
As the movie starts, I pull my legs up and off to the side. We share the bowl of popcorn and when it starts to heat up, I can’t believe it but he didn’t lie to me about liking the movie. And I know this because he’s able to keep up with the conversation as he knows just about every line. When the fight scene comes on, Lachi leans forward and starts swearing at how the Master Chief is treating Demi Moore’s character, Lieutenant Jordan O’Neil. By the time O’Neil and the Master Chief are fighting, I’m getting worried about Lachi. He’s on his feet jumping around like he’s in a boxing ring screaming at what O’Neil needs to do to kick that “jagoff’s ass.” Yeah, my kindhearted man goes crazy while watching a movie. I mean, he didn’t get this excited while watching football.
He must realize what he’s doing because he plops down next to me, hands in his hair. I reach over and pause the movie. Then I watch him and wait, and he doesn’t make me hang too long.
“Damn, Beauty, sorry about that. There are scenes in that movie that drive me fucking insane. Especially since thisportrays what could be happening to women in the armed forces. First time I saw it; I got so angry I cried. Didn’t mean to go off the handle. Can you forgive me?”
“Lachi, nothing to forgive, and to be honest, it’s nice to see you’re human. For a while thought you could walk on water. I have my moments with some movies, so I totally get it. Ready to dive back in?”
He pulls me into his side and grabs the buttons. He gives me a nibble kiss then plays with the remote for maybe a minute or two and the movie starts back up. We are both chilling by the end of the movie. I grab the bowl and glasses to take into the kitchen as Lachi goes to remove the movie from the DVR.