“Well, keep up the attitude and you might not get sex, but I’ll paddle that tight ass of yours for sure.”
Her eyes dilate and her cheeks turn a blush pink. Well, looks like my Beauty might get into some of the things I like. Might be time for a conversation.
Leaning down, I place a soft kiss on her lips then literally attack her mouth. I can feel her shock but within seconds she molds herself to me. The soft moan has my cock lengthening and hardening to the point of pain. My hands are running up and down Ruby’s side and I’m ghosting her breasts. I can feel her heat as she tries to get even closer to me. Slowly I start to back off and when I pull my lips from hers, she follows me like she doesn’t want me to stop. Excellent.
“How about we take a drive into town, Ruby? This is our last day alone, so let’s make it memorable. Then we can either order food to be prepared, cook ourselves, or pick something up in town. Your choice.”
Ruby agrees and we get our stuff together. I go to let the cleaners know we are stepping out. Then I proceed to tip each one, which they at first decline, but I tell them how much Ruby and I appreciate them. They are beyond grateful. I ask them for where to visit and they give me a bunch of good places in town.
On our drive to town, I start the conversation about getting intimate. In detail, I let Ruby know I’ve not been with anyone in that way for a while and have just had a recent exam, as I was applying for life insurance, and everything came back great. That’s when she shares she also hasn’t been with anyone in so long she can’t remember when or who. Very quietly she explains she never knew what all the fuss was about sex. That’s when Itell her whoever she was with wasn’t a good lover. She almost chokes on her water when I tell her how Dad sat all of us boys down and explained that sex is only good if you have feelings for someone. And if you both decide to take it further, always make sure you take care of the girl first, no matter what. Dad told us that women can go multiple times, but for men we go once then have to wait. Her eyes are huge when she swallows then tells me with a straight face.
“Lachi, I’ll never be able to meet your dad and talk to him. All I’ll ever think about is the ‘talk’ he had with you and your brothers. Oh my God.”
Laughing, I tell her my parents are really cool and always did what was best for us boys. Then I told her Dad and Mom are going to love her. Ruby rolls her eyes so I give it to her straight.
“Beauty, they know about you. Mom was already looking for a BnB to maybe come out before the holidays to meet you. And no, I don’t usually introduce women to my folks, so they know how serious it is. She asked if one of your sisters is the D.M. Earl, who’s writing fictional books about women similar to your Devil’s Handmaidens club.”
Her face gets tight and her eyes narrow
“Lachi, we have no damn idea who that person is. Even Raven and Freak have tried to no avail.”
“Ruby, want me to put Nova and his people on it? I bet they can find out.”
She shifts her eyes back and forth then glances my way, a shy smile on her face.
“Lachi, that would be great, but can we keep it between us? I’m not sure if I know this person or not, but want to see who it is before Shadow puts them to ground. She’s beyond pissed, saying the ‘Shadow’ book doesn’t do her justice and she hates the cover photo. Also said it makes her seem soft. I know, God forbid. So if Nova can get a handle on it, then that would be great.”
I promise her I’ll talk to him as we make our way into the quaint town square. It’s like stepping back in time. So cute and clean as a whistle. I park the vehicle off a side street and then help Ruby out. Hand in hand we walk to the main street to see which way we want to explore first. When Ruby points to a store, I smile widely. Of course, a store filled with chocolates, fudge, and gifts. This could get very dangerous. Not trying to be an ass, but women love their chocolate.
“Lachi, I want to get a small box of fudge or chocolates for each of my club sisters. Also have to get Teddy and Olivia something too.”
So here I am, assuming she was going to buy the store out for herself, and yet again she thinks about everyone else. I lean down, grab her cheeks, and place a soft kiss on her lips. The kiss goes from soft to hot and heavy in seconds. Realizing we’re in the middle of town, I gently pull away my fingers, caressing her cheeks.
“What was that for, Lachi? Though not complaining.”
“You never fail to surprise me, Ruby. It’s so refreshing to be around someone who has no ulterior motive but wanting to spend time with me.”
“Lachi, why wouldn’t I want to be around you? I like you, even though you can get bossy sometimes.”
Laughing, we first hit up the chocolate store then a souvenir shop, and we try to get unique items for everyone Ruby could think of. We walk in and out of the stores, taking our time, enjoying each other’s company. One of the stores that offers personalization has Ruby looking for, I’m not sure what. When she drops her head, I move toward her to see a photo frame in her hands. She explains the pit bull looks almost like little Teddy’s Pituynia or as they called the dog, Tuna.
“Lachi, do you think it would be too much if I got this for Teddy, Taz, and Enforcer? Taz told us the other day, thoughher guys are trying to move forward, it’s hard and they are struggling. I have a picture I took of all of them with the dogs. This way they have a photo of their girl when she was not sick or showing symptoms. The lady said they can engrave Tuna on the bottom of the frame.”
I glance down at the frame and know it’s perfect. Teddy and his family will love it not only because of the frame itself, but because Ruby’s one who would take time to find the best gift out there.
“Yeah, Beauty, I think it’s an excellent idea. I know for sure it will help Teddy and Enforcer. Remember when we lost my granddad on my dad’s side. Mom explained to us boys that talking about and showing pictures is the best way to keep a loved one’s memory alive. So let’s get that engraved. We’ll print up the photo so it’s all ready, and you can wrap it before we head back to the ranch.”
The rest of our time in town we stop and have lunch at a small diner/bar. It is really good and both of us finish everything on our plates. Our final stop is a small grocery-type store to pick up a few things.
Our drive back to our rental is relaxing and the views are outstanding. At one point Ruby asks me to pull over so she can take a picture. We not only take several photos of the mountains but also our first selfie together. I tell her to send that to me, want to get it printed so I can put it on my desk back home.
My phone rings so I hit hands-free. I hear laughter when I say, “Hello.”
“Hey, my man, how’s things? Wanted to check in with you guys and give you a head count. It’s going to be Hannah and me, along with Dani. The boys are coming too, just to stop for one night before they head back home. Dottie might come with, she’s not sure yet, it all depends on if she and Shadow can getwhatever they’re working on done. How’s your little getaway with Kitty?”
“Presley, before you put your huge stinky foot in your mouth, you’re on speaker and Ruby is right here.”
“Hey, beautiful Kitty, having a good time?”