Page 30 of Running Alone

“You feel like another movie, Beauty? If so, I pick this time.”

I’m not really tired, and it’s nice it being just us kicking back and enjoying each other’s company.

“Sure, Lachi, I’m game if you are.”

So while he picks, I make another bag of popcorn and refill the wine glasses, then make my way back to Lachi and the movie.

When it starts to play, I’m shocked. Thought Lachi would have picked a blow them up type of movie or action flick or even a science fiction. Not at all did I think he’d pickDead Poet’s Society.When I asked Lachi why, he told me the movie made him realize how we are responsible for our lives or decisions we make. Only we can change our own lives. Malachi said he decided right then and there he would be in charge of his life and destiny.

I haven’t watched DPS for years, especially since Robin William’s death. It hits me how much I’ve missed by avoiding this movie. Not sure why, but it seemed so enlightening to me. Many times in life it’s not fair, but you can’t forget to live to the best of your ability. By the end, I’m bawling being held in Lachi’s arms. Feeling foolish, I go to pull away and he whispers for me to stay right where I’m at. This goes on for a while then slowlyhe releases his tight hold on me. After some time goes by, Lachi gives it to me.

“Never feel like you have to hide from me, Beauty. Never thought I’d say this, but I want every emotion from you. So tell me your good and bad. I’ll try to do the same. Now, what I’m going to tell you not even sure if your prez or VP know yet. Got a text from Nova to call him when I had a minute. When I did finally reach out, he just wanted to tell me the rogue Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood that was messing with you and everyone in Cali are no longer a problem. He then explained they had a campsite about thirty or forty minutes from my folks’ compound. He was told it was a horrible bloodbath.

I still can’t believe those people are dead. I mean, yeah, it might hurt that particular chapter but in the realm of everything, the brotherhood will continue and even grow. That’s life.

Finally, at bedtime, I’m heading to the guest room when Lachi reaches over to my hand, directing me to the master suite. Before I can say anything, he gives me a tender shove, telling me to get ready for bed.

I knew Lachi had a heart of gold, but he’s taking it to the limit. Once I’m lying under the covers, he walks out of the bathroom and suddenly I can’t breathe. I know he can tell by the cocky grin on his scruffy face. He slowly makes his way to the other side of the bed. He drops something on the nightstand and when I see what it is, I feel just a tinge of anxiety but it is very minimal. He pulls me to the front of his body so we are touching from forehead to our waists. I can feel everything and somewhere I can hear a voice telling me tojust go for it. Then that other side tells me tobe careful because the act is more than just sex. When Lachi starts kissing me, everything flies out of my head.

This is different, I can feel it. Lachi’s hands aren’t doing the ghost thing. They are caressing, touching, and squeezing everyinch of my body. And he seems to be adoring it. I allow my hands to rub up and down his muscular back and then get daring and grab a handful of each ass cheek and squeeze. The groan comes from deep in his chest. I smirk because of the power that sound gives to me. So we spend I don’t know how much time getting to really learn each other’s body. When he pushes up my T-shirt and his mouth finds one then the other nipple, I mewl. Yeah, I’ve never done that before. When he finally pushes his hand under my sleep shorts, I hold my breath.

“Breathe, Beauty. Remember you have the power and no means stop. Now I’m going to use my fingers to make you feel good, okay?”

Damn. The thought of that sounds great but since I’ve never orgasmed with a partner, I don’t have high hopes.

“Hey, Ruby, I can stop now. Go back to cuddling.”

Damn, we swore no lies.

“Lachi, it’s not you. I want that more than anything but, unfortunately, I’ve never—well—no one has ever been able to, well, I’ve been called an Ice Queen, so that should tell you something.

Watching his face is fascinating. First his eyes get huge then he looks me up and down on the bed, hair all over, top rolled above my breasts, and his hand halfway into my sleep shorts. Then out of nowhere he smiles hugely and then actually laughs loudly. He’s starting to piss me off when he throws me off balance. “Ruby, my God, don’t know how much more I can handle. Shit, I mean, look at you and even better is what’s in your heart. Now you tell me know no one has ever given you an orgasm. What the fuck kind of assholes have you been with? No, don’t answer that. I’d be totally honored, Beauty, if we can play a little. I want to watch you fall apart because of what I do to you. Let me know if that’s okay.”

My eyes never leave his. The honesty and power he’s giving me is beyond overwhelming. I know this is like what Wildcat was talking about. A “Y” in the road. It’s up to me to figure out which way to go. There is no right and wrong way, it’s just what you’re looking for. Lachi is watching me so when I give him a small smile, he grins back. Then very slowly I start to separate my legs, and that’s the only sign Lachi needs. Let me just say, this man knows how to use his fingers, mouth, and tongue. By the time he’s sends me to the promised land multiple times, only then does he hand over the reins. And what a feeling it is to watch him fall off the ledge. Unlike me, Lachi doesn’t try to hide anything so when he finally lets go, the total emotions running across his face are breathtaking and humbling.

I’ll do whatever it takes to not only treasure this connection but work with Lachi to keep it moving forward.




Slowly opening my eyes, I can feel the heat rolling off of Lachi’s body. All he has on is boxer briefs and the evidence of his morning excitement is pressing into my hip. Damn, if that is any indication, not sure we’ll fit.

“Don’t worry, Beauty. When we get there, I’ll make sure you’re ready. Now a quick closed-mouth kiss. Yeah, I know you are weirded out about morning breath though I’m not, Ruby.”

I kiss him back, though as he said, don’t take it further. I’ve never been in a relationship when someone takes you for who you are.

“How are you feeling, Beauty? I feel like a million bucks. Thank you for last night. I can’t believe how responsive you are. Obviously, the others just didn’t know what they were doing. Now we can stay in bed and be lazy, or get up and ready as our guest are probably already on the road. Want me to get the coffee going and start breakfast while you get ready?”

Suddenly my anxiety starts to squeeze my chest tightly. I want to jump out of bed but don’t seem to have the ability to move. My eyes are shifting back and forth to make sure everything is perfect. When I’m having a hard time taking in adeep breath, I feel Lachi before I even see him. His face is right in front of mine.

“Ruby, come on, take in a deep breath. Now slowly let it out, all of it, and repeat. Here, I’ll do it with you. Deep in and slow out. That’s it, you got this. Now without thinking, why did you panic all of a sudden?”

Without thinking and not trying to stop the truth from coming out, I just let it flow.

“What if the place isn’t clean enough or we don’t have the food everyone likes to eat? I really want this to go perfectly, Lachi. And damn, I’m sure your friends are thinking, what do you see in me? I’m plain, broke, have no family, and work at a bar and grill bussing tables.”