Chapter 21
For most of the night, I sit on my bed paralyzed in thought.
Simon has taken Izzy.
He walked straight into the studio and took her, and there was nothing I could do about it. I read the court documents over and over again. They paint a picture of me being an awful mother. It’s all lies, though. Apparently, I never wanted a child and that was proven by the fact I returned to work so quickly after giving birth. The truth is I hadn’t wanted to go back. It was Simon who forced me out of the house. He told me I was fat, and I needed to exercise and lose weight to get my trim figure back, and then he demanded I co-star with him in his latest action movie. It was all because of him, but I am being punished for it.
After a few hours, the anger sets in. I call my lawyer, even though it’s now his early evening and shout at him. I fire him and then immediately hire him back. He’s as baffled as I am at how Simon has gotten away with this. We both signed contracts stating I wouldn’t reveal the truth at the risk of losing Izzy, and I haven’t told anyone apart from Gabby and more recently Leo and Leah. I’m certain none of them would tell another soul. Is that it? The reason he’s coming after me? Does he believe I’ve told someone? And how did Leo’s father become involved in all of this?
My lawyer asks me if I want to make public the contracts and the abuse Simon carried out on me—he falls silent when I say no. I leave him with detailed instructions to file papers to get Izzy back first thing in the morning.
Everything is a mess, and all because I went on a dance show.
In the morning, I’ll quit.
I just want Izzy back. Her clothes scattered around me and her favorite teddy clutched in my hand give me little comfort. Every time my eyes start to droop shut, I’m hit with nightmares of what Simon could be doing to her. His fists flying and her pure little face all black and blue. I have to hold out hope she’ll been fine until I can get her back.
Get her back…I am going to do it, but there’s only one person who can help me unravel this mess. Now the story of the relationship between my father and Leo’s mother has been revealed, no one will believe Leo and I didn’t have an affair, even with a lie detector test. I can’t get the truth from my father, and when I phoned my mama, it appeared she’s as much in the dark about it all as I am. There’s only one person who can give me the full details, and if she won’t speak to Leo or me on the phone, then I’m going to damn well knock down her door to get answers.
Using some of my emergency savings—a few million from my films that I have refused to touch in the past. I book a private flight to Spain. I want to be able to stay in contact with the ground and get updates on the custody court case at all times, so it’s the only way.
I change out of my eighties outfit at some point around two am and put on leggings and a baggy top before scraping my hair back into a messy bun. I fetch my passport, grab my car keys, and head out the door. I’m not going alone to Spain. Leo is coming with me—he just doesn’t know it yet. I’m glad he disappeared after the showdown because it’s given me a chance to work through everything in my head. I can never reveal what Simon did to me, but I’ll prove him to be a liar and get my daughter back.
It doesn’t take me long to arrive at Leo’s apartment. The lights are on, which doesn’t surprise me. I didn’t expect him to be sleeping after all that’s happened. Tentatively I knock on his front door. It takes a few moments for him to answer. He’s disheveled and looks tired as he leans against the door frame. He’s changed into a pair of loose fitting workout pants and a t-shirt. Looking behind him, I can see his apartment is trashed.
“Leo.” I reach for his hands when I see blood on his knuckles.
“I’m sorry, Elise, I couldn’t help you keep Izzy.”
“Hush.” I place my finger against his lips. “It’s not your fault, not in the slightest. Simon is the villain here, and we’re going to work together to get my daughter back. Do you have your passport?”
“Passport?” He looks confused. “It’s in the safe, why?”
“We’re going to Spain. Only your mother can clear this up.”
“My mamá?” Leo closes his eyes and sighs. “You aren’t going to tell them what he did to you, then?”
I really don’t want to fight at the moment. I should have expected this.
“Please, Leo, I told you I can’t.”
Leo opens his mouth to say something but then closes it again without speaking. I’m not sure I ever want to know what words are in his head right now. I think they could destroy us both.
“Ok, but I have to protect my mamá as well. She’s fragile. I’m not going to put her in front of the press.”
“I know. But she’s the only one who can tell us the truth about what happened between her and my father. I have to know. If I can prove your father and Simon are liars, I can prove we didn’t have an affair and change the perception of what has happened. Then I can get Izzy back or at least get joint custody. I can’t leave her with him forever.”
I’m holding tightly to his bloody knuckles, and it must be hurting. My plan makes complete sense in my head. I know it’s the only way I can get my daughter back. It’ll work—it has to.
“I’ll grab a suitcase and a few things. Give me a moment.” Leo turns, leaving the door open for me to enter his apartment.
“There’s not much time. I’ve chartered a private flight to Spain. It’s waiting for us at the airport.”
Leo stops and turns back to face me.
“You’ve been doing a lot of planning and organizing.”