“I think you’ll find I can, Mr. Westwood,” Simon taunts.
I’m very close to smacking him in the face, but I know it will just cause more issues. Izzy screams and clings tightly to her mama as Gabby rushes forward and tries to comfort the little girl.
“You can’t do this!” Elise shouts. “You know you can’t.”
“I can. It’s all there in black and white. Due to the nature of your affair with Leo, you’re an unfit mother to our daughter, and a bad example for her. She’s going to be better off in my care. I was granted custody of her this afternoon.”
“No, you gave her to me.”
Simon leans forward to Elise.
Don’t hit him.
Don’t hit him!
“And now I’m taking her back.”
He nods to the police.
“She’s been served notice. I’d like to get my daughter out of this debauched environment as soon as possible. It’s past ten o’clock. What kind of mother keeps a ten year old up this late? Disgusting behavior.”
One of the cops steps forward.
“Miss Landry, Mr. French has full custody of your daughter now. I’m afraid it’s our duty to take her with us.”
“Please, you can’t. He’s a….” She doesn’t finish her sentence. I know in my heart she was about to tell them about his abuse, but she’s still too terrified, even though she stands to lose Izzy.
“Please, I don’t believe her father will take good care of her.” I try to plead Elise’s case. “Maybe she could be placed elsewhere until we can sort this mess out?”
“I’m not having my daughter put in a home,” Simon interrupts. “The courts have given me custody of her, and she’s coming with me.”
“Maybe I could take her,” Gabby offers, trying to help, but I can see the suggestion only makes Simon furious. His intention has nothing to do with Izzy’s welfare. It’s all part of his control over Elise.
“No. I’m her father. She’s coming with me.”
Stepping forward too quickly for anyone to react, he grabs Izzy’s hand and pulls her away from Elise who manages to take her daughter’s other hand at the last minute. For a few moments they have a tug of war with the little girl until the police intervene, and Elise is wrestled away.
“No!” Elise cries out loudly and tries to run after her daughter but is stopped by the police.
“Mama! Mama! Mama!” Izzy screams repeatedly as Simon drags her away.
I have to turn my back on the scene for a few moments and compose myself. If Elise had told them Simon is guilty of domestic abuse, then this wouldn’t be happening. But the man has destroyed her confidence so badly she can’t admit the truth, even to save her own daughter. Everything is a game to him, and he’s upped the stakes to beat Elise.
Gabby rushes over to Elise to comfort her. The members of the cast and crew who’ve gathered to watch the drama unfold start to dissipate. The police leave when they know Simon is safely away with Izzy. I still can’t find the strength to move my feet toward Elise, though. This has broken me as much as her in some respects. We were starting to feel like a proper family, but there is nothing I can do to protect the little girl I’ve grown so incredibly fond of.
I have to get out of here.
Storming away from the devastating scene, I find my bag, and not even changing out of the ridiculous Elton John costume from the eighties I’m wearing, I leave the studio.
“Leo.” Angelique is hot on my heels. “Wait.”
“I can’t…I have to get out of here,” I call back to her, but she catches up with me, forcing me to stop and look at her by grabbing my jacket.
“Leo, talk to me. I know what they’ve been saying on the television isn’t true. It was obvious when you two first met up that you and Elise hadn’t seen each other in years. What’s happening?”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not my secret.” I slump back against my car.
“And I’m not letting you go anywhere until you do. Whether it’s your secret or not. What I just witnessed wasn’t right. Elise isn’t an unfit mother. She’s amazing with Izzy, and the kid adores her. I also saw the horror on Izzy’s face when she saw her father.”
Placing my head in my hands, I mumble into them, “He abused Elise. She left him and signed various contracts.” Eventually I pull my head up and tell Angelique the truth. “He’s playing games with Elise. He broke her during their marriage, and she hasn’t mended, even if she thinks she has. Izzy is in danger with him, and I don’t know what to do.”
Angelique wraps her arms around me and cradles me close to her. I enjoy the comfort from one of my best friends.
“God, that’s awful.” She takes a deep breath. “But there’s nothing you can do at the moment. It’s up to Elise to fight this. All you can do is support her. If he did beat her and you fight this battle for her, then it’ll do nothing to help her recover. She has to find a way to get Izzy back of her own accord. It’s the only way she can win.”
“I know you’re right,” I concede, but admitting what I’ve known since Simon first walked into the studio and threatened Elise and me is the hardest thing ever.
“Go home and get some rest. I’ll let her know where you are. She has to figure this out for herself, and I’m certain she knows it.”
I nod and Angelique lets me go. I climb into the car and make my way home without looking back. I can’t. If I do, I’ll turn around and go fight all Elise’s battles for her. I have to let her figure this out for herself. It doesn’t make it any easier, and when I walk in my front door, I let out my frustrations by smashing up my apartment in a furious rage.