“I want my daughter back,” I tell him adamantly.
“I want her back as well, but I also want you both safe and free from all this scrutiny.”
We stand facing each other in silence.
“It’ll happen, Leo. I’m going to quit the show. When I get Izzy back, I’ll go as quietly as Simon wants. I won’t appear in the limelight ever again. I’ll do whatever he demands.”
Leo reaches out and strokes down the side of my cheek.
“You think that’ll work, Elise?”
“I hope so. It’s all I’ve got.”
Leo nods and lets me go. He disappears into his bedroom to quickly pack and get his passport. I know he wants me to tell the world about what Simon did to me, but it isn’t the right way to go about this. Leo wasn’t there. He didn’t experience the fists in his face. I can’t stand the thought of making it public. Plus, if I do tell people the truth, I know Simon will come for me and this time probably kill me. I can’t risk leaving Izzy alone. I just can’t. Simon has to win. I see that now. He’s jealous of me, and the only way I can escape him forever is to disappear completely. I just hope Leo will still be with me when that time comes.