"Reetu, how can you slap a customer??", Ragini asked angrily
"Did you know what she said to Isha?? She deserves more than one slap...", Reetu said and Ragini frowned...
"Ragini, you are losing your value because of such women, I'm never going to step in here again...", Natasha said
"What do you mean by such women?? You can't insult my staff like that, just because you are a loyal customer, I tolerated your rudeness till now but it's going beyond my tolerance now, justbecause you have money doesn't mean you crush someone's dignity, get out, you are not welcome here anymore", Ragini said
"How dare you?? I'll see your end", Natasha warned and walked away from there...
"Get back to work everyone...", Ragini shouted at everyone and all dispersed except for Reetu...
"I'm sorry Ragini", Isha apologized with tears as she felt guilty for cutting off a very profitable customer for her friend...
"Shut up, will you?? If Reetu is so furious, she must have talked very indignantly to you, it should be you who should have slapped her, not Reetu, I tell you so many times, to not to be so good, why don't you listen to me ever Ishu??", Ragini scolded Isha and she in return just hugged her... she got so pure friends who are selfless, she is very lucky...
"How dare she talk to you like that?? Tell to Maharaj and destroy her", Reetu said
"Oh God! What's wrong with you?? Since you visited the king and queen now, I thought your obsession with them would come to an end, but it just increased tenfold, I'm literally dying from the previous night", Ragini said earning a glare from Reetu...
"Now what did she do??", Isha asked
"She wouldn't stop the queen's jaap(chant), she didn't sleep the whole night, kept saying things like, the queen is so pretty, so kind and so good, and sometimes, it's like Isha is so good, so beautiful and all, If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that you are the queen...", Ragini said and Isha shookher head while Reetu stifled her laughter... is it so strange and unimaginable for everyone to imagine that she is the queen?? Why is it so unbelievable?? Isha wondered... "anyways get back to work both of you... Ishu, are you fine??", Ragini asked and Isha nodded... Ragini walked away and Reetu took Isha to a side...
"Why are you so silent?? Why didn't you blast her cheek?? You are the queen, you need to be tougher Ishu...", Reetu asked
"Sh... what she said isn't the truth, so it's fine, she saw me getting down from Rana Sa’s car and imagined the worst, you didn't have to slap her", Isha said and Reetu huffed
"Tell it to Maharaj or I'll do it myself", Reetu said and Isha's eyes widened
"No way, he will kill her... you don't know him...", Isha panicked
"Well who cares, let him kill her, I am not kind Isha, my family, and friends are more important to me", Reetu said and Isha slapped her friend's arm...
"Shut up, I'm not joking, he will really kill her, or at the least, hurt her, I don't want any of it, leave this matter here itself", Isha told her friend and about to leave from there when Reetu held her hand...
"By the way, what did that bi**h see that she imagined the worst about you and Maharaj?? Hm??", Reetu asked and Isha blushed remembering their morning kiss and her confession...
"Naughty girl, what were you doing outside your workplace huh??", Reetu teased
"Reetu, shut up... you're crazy", Isha whined making her friend laugh...
"By the way, I'm giving so many clues to that idiot Ragini from yesterday night but she is so dumb, she is not understanding at all, did you hear what she said earlier, I don't know what happens to her poor heart when you tell he the truth", Reetu said funnily
"Why is it so difficult to guess Reetu?? I thought Ragini is very smart??", Isha wondered...
"It's not about smartness Ishu, even it crosses her mind, she wouldn't even think twice before ruling out that option, you are our friend, our own, whereas Queen Isha is so far from our world, we don't think we'll even have the privilege to see her at least for once in our lifetime, that far we are... so it's really tough for anyone... you are understanding??", Reetu said and Isha shrugged
"This is what I'm afraid of, Rana sa got angry when I said I don't want you all to see the palace but this is the truth", Isha said and Reetu raised her brows...
"What do you mean by it??", Reetu asked looking sharply... Isha turned her face and tried to escape as her friend who is eager to visit the palace would kill her if she gets to know that she(Isha) ruined her chance to see the palace...
"Nothing, let me go, I have so much of work", Isha tried but Reetu didn't leave
"The truth...", Reetu asked
"Actually, Rana sa want you to come to our main palace as my friend but it's me who suggested meeting you outside our office, I didn't want you all to see where I live", Isha said and Reetu glared at her...
"Ishu... you traitor, I won't leave you...", Reetu chased Isha who ran away afraid of her friend...