"That you love me the way I'm", he said and her eyes widened realizing what just happened, did she just say 'I love you' to her husband... her cheeks turned into a deep shade of red... seeing her blush, he pulled her into his lap and kissed her passionately... his kiss represented his happiness, and she couldfeel his love and this was the best kiss they had, thought she, she never saw her husband happy, she saw his love, his affection, his anger, his jealousy, his every other feeling but he barely got happy... but her confession gave him happiness... she saw him a bit happy when she agreed to do the rituals for her coronation... and also when she forgave him... it's always about her... that moment, during that kiss, she realized, she is his only source of happiness and she felt overwhelmed with a rush of happiness at the same time worry, what if something happens to her?? What would happen to her husband?? He is a stone and didn't know what is happiness till she came... that's too harsh for human life to never experience happiness in more than 3 decades of life...
When she didn't kiss him back like she does, Abhyansh broke the kiss and looked at her face, which is filled with deep pain and her eyes moist... he didn't understand what made her like that...
"Isha...what's wrong??", he asked cupping her cheeks...
"Nothing... I'm seeing you this happy for the first time and I love your happiness too much, I wanted to do anything for this, Rana sa...", Isha said, her words made Abhyansh smile widely...
"Just stay by my side... and for now, kiss me back", Abhyansh said placing his lips on hers and she kissed him back without any hesitation ruffling his hair...
Car came to a halt that made the couple break their kiss...
"Come home early in the evening", Abhyansh said pecking her lips and forehead before setting her messed hair...
"Okay... ", Isha said, Abhyansh kept setting her hair but it's still messed up...
"It won't set like that, I'll do it in the restroom after going inside, don't worry", Isha said
"I love your long hairs so much... they are even more beautiful in this messy bun... and I don't want anyone else to watch you being this beautiful", Abhyansh said pulling her to him...
"Maharaj... let me go now, please", Isha pleaded and he reluctantly let her go and opened the partition, and ordered Bhairav to open the door, Isha could have done that herself if it wasn't the protocol...
Bhairav opened and bowed to her in respect, she nodded politely in response before walking inside, she kept setting her hair and rushed to the washroom before anyone could see her messy form, too late Natasha who came for shopping observed Isha's dishevelled hair...
Isha rushed inside the washroom and set her hair up and came back to her workplace starting with the pending designs when Ragini came to Isha for help...
"Isha... need urgent help", Ragini said looking worried
"What's it Ragini??", Isha asked softly...
"That client, Natasha, is here, and usually Reetu handles her, but she is adamant that you show her the designs today", Ragini said and Isha frowned...
"Me??" Isha asked, what does she want now?? Didn't she insult her enough last time??
"Yes Isha, I tried to convince her but she is stubborn, she is a loyal customer for us, and abiding to customer's requests is our policy, I don't want to compromise on that, but if she treats you rudely, don't tolerate it, give back to her, I don't care if we lose her, you and your feelings are more important to me", Ragini said and Isha smiled at her friend, who loves her a lot...
"Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'll handle her... finish this for me, I'm in the middle of it", Isha said showing her work, Ragini nodded and continued from where Isha left.
Isha greeted Natasha politely in her soft tone but Natasha's predetermined notions about Isha didn't let her see Isha's good side... Natasha gave a disgusted look to Isha, though she felt very uncomfortable under the judging looks of the lady, she ignored and started showing the designs... Natasha kept passing snide comments at Isha here and there, Isha though felt bad, she tolerated them for Ragini... Reetu who got to know about Natasha's visit from Ragini ran to her, on knowing what she did to Isha last time...
"I get disgusted by women like you... how cheap can you stoop more?? I wonder what's your actual work, this or that??", Natasha asked, and Reetu who heard got furious...
"What the hell did you say?? How dare you talk to my friend like that?? And Isha you are staying silent to this witch's crude comments??", Reetu blasted
"Reetu, leave it, go away...", Isha said softly... her eyes welled up...
"No way", Reetu said and turned towards Natasha... "what the hell do you know about her to pass such comments about her, get out", Reetu said
"I am not interested to stay in a place where such women work", Natasha said giving a disgusted glare to Isha and Reetu
"Excuse me ? What do you mean??", Reetu asked with fury
"Don't think I don't know what relationship she shares with the king...", Natasha said shocking Isha and Reetu
"What??", Reetu said
"I saw her getting down from his car today, and she looked like...", Natasha started and passed disgusting looks to Isha, Reetu understood the whole scenario... "and Ragini is employing such cheap women who can do anything for money", she added and Reetu got so angry that she blasted her cheek shocking Isha...
Ragini came there and saw Isha in tears...