Days passed and one day Isha got to knowaccidentally that her mother-in-law's birthday is in a week... she wants to give her something she would cherish forever and she got an idea without knowing her this idea would bring the BEAST out in her husband...

After dinner, she and her husband settled on the bed but both are far from asleep for different things... Abhyansh pulled her closer and made her sit on his lap and kissed her lips passionately, it's getting challenging to hold up his emotions every single day...

"Rana sa, I want something from you", she asked and he who is so involved in her just hummed and continued kissing her, she broke the kiss and held his cheeks... "please listen to me na, I want something from you", she said again

"I also want something from you and I'm trying to take that for so long", he said, though she didn't understand his innuendo, she thought he is talking about the kiss...

"Rana sa, I'm serious, please listen to me...", she said and he frowned in irritation, but looking at her pleading face he nodded asking her to continue... "I want you to take me for shopping...", Isha said shocking Abhyansh...

"What?? What has gotten into you??", he asked seriously, his wife never wore something he got for her, she always wore the clothes she bought or made for herself... she never asked him to take her anywhere, let alone shopping...

"Nothing, Reetu asked me if we too go for dates, like shopping date, movie date etc like normal couples, I didn't know what to tell her, so I want you to take me out, so I have something to tell her next time...", she said, well, it's not entirely a lie, from the time her friend got to know that she is the queen, she is asking lot of questions on their life style and relationship, but Isha never felt bad for not being like any normal couples as she didn't have any idea what normal couples do in the first place...

"Do you feel bad that you are not able to do anything like that??", Abhyansh asked genuinely, he felt bad for not thinking about it until his wife asked... he cursed himself for lack of knowledge in treating women...

"No, I'm fine, I just want you to take me to shopping, will you??", she asked, Abhyansh thought to take her to a movie as well, he is thinking about ideas to make her date special but she thought he is not okay with it... "I won't take much of your time, just an hour or so, I'll finish early, two weeks after, it's our boutique's opening anniversary and Ragini and I are planning a big party for it, I want to buy some clothes for it... if you are busy, I'll ask Avyan", she said, from the time he husband confessed how jealous he gets when she spends time with others, she got an idea and now she wants to use it in her favour for once... the innocent queen is getting clever...

"I will take you... I was just planning to spend my whole day with you...", he said and she smiled widely kissing his cheek, he looked amused at her courage these days...

"You don't have to, I know you are busy, an hour is fine, at max, 2 hours...", Isha said

"Don't you want to spend time with me??", he asked her angrily

"Of course, I want to, you don't know how excited I get every day to see you after I finish my work, it's the same excitement I used to get when I was a child, I used to wait for the final bell to ring to run into my father's arms, I love him so much...", Isha said, the mention of her father's name turned Abhyansh's mood sour...

"We'll go out the day after tomorrow, since it's a weekend, now sleep, it's late", he said laying on the bed, she didn't understand what has gotten into her husband suddenly...

"What happened?? Why are you suddenly upset??", she asked getting disappointed...

"Nothing, I'm tired, I need to leave early tomorrow, so need some rest", he said softly and his tone looked convinced

"Okay, sleep Rana sa...", she said laying beside him... he pulled her into his arms and she hid her head in his chest and fell asleep instantly whereas sleep is far from Abhyansh's eyes... will he ever get over his hatred for her father?? It's the first time she started talking about her past and he reacted so coldly, she desired of sharing her pain with her husband, she lost them in an accident when she was barely 10 and thought she could cope up with the pain if she shares with her husband but his cold reaction somewhat disappointed her, and he understood it but he could do nothing about it, his fury doubles hearing that man's name and he didn't want to show his anger on her.

He stared at her face and ruffled her hair in regret, could he ever become the husband she deserved?? Or he will remain the same 'BEAST' to her with his heart burning for revenge... that time he felt his fury on Amar Rajput doubled, so much that he wanted to bring him back to life and kill him with his hands...

"I'm sorryIsha... I really am... I couldn't share your pain...", he said to her sleeping form and slipped out of the bed to get some work done as he is not getting any sleep for now...

The next day went by the same way but Abhyansh couldn't wipe out the guilt, he really felt her pain the day before, his wife despite all the miseries of her life, keeps smiling always, her soul is still pure, untouched, is always kind to people and he wants her to stay that pure always... he wants to wipe out all her pain but he couldn't... because he couldn't let go of the revenge burning inside him for years now... the fact that Amar Rajput died without Abhyansh killing him is eating him from inside... he didn't get his closure... he killed all of his enemies with his own hands torturing them to death except for Amar Rajput, and that fury is what made him marry his daughter and torture her keeping aside all his beliefs... but now the scenario is totally different, Isha for him is Amar Rajput's daughter less, his wife more, the woman he cares the most or should say is the only person he cares about...

Isha came back home from office, changed and went to give her husband some coffee and snacks, and saw him deeply immersed in his thoughts staring at their marriage frame... he is actually staring at her... she got surprised seeing the frame, it was not there before, he kept her picture frame in his office cabin but nothing in his home study until now.

"When did you put it?? I have not seen it before", Isha asked him taking the photo frame in her hands...

"Just today, I realized you might want to put one in our room as well, so I got two frames done...", he said taking another frame from his desk...

"Rana sa, this is so nice... I'll put it on my side of the bedside table...", she said looking at the small frame where both looked so serious in the picture...

"Are you okay with it?? Our marriage is not something you could recall as a 'happy memory' Isha", Abhyansh asked her...

"I'm trying to forget it Rana sa... I'm sure I'll get over it soon, what about you??", she asked him startling him...

"What about me?? You were the one who bore my inhumane behaviour", he said and she could feel his regret

"You weren't happy about our marriage either... I could feel it, you married me out of compulsion, I don't what your reasons are... but none of us were committed to this marriage happily, we had our reasons", she said surprising him, she is still thinking about him?? "Are you comfortable in having this frame in our room??", she asked him softly, and he pulled her to his lap shocking her...

"You amaze me Rani sa...", he said nuzzling his head in her shoulder dropping small kisses...

"Rana sa... leave me, what if someone comes?? The door is open??", she said afraid of getting caught...