Iwas up early the next morning. Thoughts of Johnny made me anxious to start the day, so I was showered and dressed before the sun was up, something that rarely happened when I was home. Kai and Rory were in the kitchen cooking; well Kai was cooking some eggs, I’m not sure what Rory was doing.
“Hey, you’re up early,” Rory said as soon as he spotted me.
“Yeah, I don’t know why I woke up so early,” I lied, just as the house phone rang.
“That’s weird,” Rory said and picked up the receiver. “Are we expecting someone?”
“Johnny’s on his way but he wouldn’t be here this early,” I said, but hoped I was wrong.
“Yeah, that’s right, go ahead and let him in,” Rory said, and hung up without another word.
“Who was it?” Kai asked, but Rory just shrugged and tried to ignore both of us. The doorbell rang startling me and making Rory laugh.
“You better go get that, Devon,” he said.
“Johnny,” I whispered as I hurried to the door and pulled it open without thinking. There he stood, sleep rumpled, with dark circles under his eyes that were a little too wide open, probably from too much coffee. “You’re here.” I pulled him into my arms and held him. He made me feel whole and not so alone, and I needed him more than I ever would have admitted a week ago.
“I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t sleep at all, so I drank a bunch of coffee and made the drive. I didn’t even think about how early I’d be arriving, or how wired I’d be when I got here,” he mumbled into my shoulder and relaxed against me.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” I said without moving.
“Hey, guys, come on in. Are you hungry, Johnny?” Rory asked from the kitchen.
“I could eat,” he said but still hadn’t moved.
“Kai’s cooking some eggs and bacon. There’s coffee too,” Rory said, and I didn’t have to look at him to know he was smiling and amused as hell by the two of us.
“Thanks, Rory,” I managed to say before pulling Johnny inside and closing the door. “I think we could both use some coffee.”
Rory looked past me at Johnny and pulled back the mug he’d held out to him. “Dude, you do not need any more caffeine.”
I looked closer at Johnny, and he did look a little high strung. “Maybe some food and then a nap,” I said making him laugh.
“That might be a good idea,” Johnny said. “I’m not a big coffee drinker and I can definitely feel it.”
The four of us sat in the kitchen talking about music and bands and the whole time I held Johnny’s hand. It had been less than twenty-four hours since we’d been together, but it felt so much longer.
“Are you able to go with us to Rocktoberfest? We’re playing later this year,” Rory asked Johnny.
“I hope so, I didn’t get a ticket yet,” Johnny said and took a big bite of eggs. He had to be really out of it because we’d just talked about this, but he didn’t seem to remember it at all.
“You don’t need no stinking ticket. You’re with us now, you’ll be hanging out backstage. Have you met Easy’s parents yet?” Kai asked.
“No, I don’t think so.” Johnny looked to me for help, but I shrugged. He’d love them both, but it was better to let him experience them for himself.
“His dad Drake grows a mohawk every year for Rocktoberfest and usually makes an appearance on stage in a kilt. He’s an old punk that hasn’t grown up yet,” Rory said around a big bite of bacon. “You’ll love him.”
Johnny looked at me and I could see how tired he was despite having had a lot of caffeine; the past few days had been busy, and when we were in my room we were not sleeping as much as we needed. “Why don’t we go see if you can get a little sleep?” I said after we’d both eaten. “Did you guys want some help cleaning up?”
“Nope you two go ahead,” Kai said.
I held my hand out to Johnny and led him down the hall to my room. He was wrapped around me and kissing the back of my neck as soon as I opened the door. “Do you remember what I said I wanted when I got here?” he said, his voice lowand demanding, and going right to my dick that definitely took notice. “Take your clothes off and fuck me.”
My clothes were on the floor before I had a moment to consider how they’d gotten there, and Johnny slipped his down enough to lean over the bed and show me his sweet ass. He handed me a condom and a packet of lube, and my hands shook with need as I slid the condom on and slathered him with lube.