“Really? I’d love that. Vance said there’s nothing booked until Rocktoberfest and he also said if we want a room he’ll take care of it. But this house is amazing and huge.”
“I want to stay wherever you are,” I said, done with trying to choose words that wouldn’t tell him exactly how I felt.
“Then stay here, with me. Come whenever you want. I’ll be here all day and I’ll be waiting for you.”
“I’ll pack some clean clothes and leave early in the morning. Depending on traffic it shouldn’t take long.”
“I mentioned Rocktoberfest to Vance, and he said he’d sort it, so if you’re here then you’re going. Be ready to go backstage.”
“Really? I’ve never been to it. Are you sure it’ll be okay for me to be back there?” I tried to imagine it but couldn’t. Rocktoberfest had grown over the years to be one of the biggest rock festivals in the area. Thousands converged on the Black Rock Desert to watch their favorite heavy metal and rock bands play on one of the big stages in the middle of the desert.
“Really. I’ll be so glad you’re there. Every time I think about it, I want to puke. I’ve never played anything close to that big. I’ve actually never been to a concert that size, have you?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think so, what are you worried about? You have all their songs down, and you didn’t look nervous at all when you played in Vegas.” I sat down on my couch and waited for him to answer.
“I have their songs down, but everything is different in a big show. The stage setup, the way the sound system is setup, how they want to place my drums, literally everything. Plus, it’s outside so there’s even more variables.”
“Devon, you’ve got this. There is not one person who deserves this more than you do, and you are going to kill it. Believe me when I say the fans may love Glenn and miss him, but they’re not ever going to forget you,” I said and hoped he believed me.
“It’ll be nice to know there’s someone in my corner. Hey, did Tanner find a drummer yet?”
“He has a list, but we talked on the plane, and he knows I planned to be in Reno this week, so he’s going to do a fewauditions and try to narrow it down. Plus, Mateo and Jeremy are going to be there to listen to them and play a few of our songs to see how they do. I’m going to be very picky this time around and choose someone who will want to stick around for a while.” After speaking with Tanner and the guys, we all agreed it was better to slow down and choose someone more permanent. They all mentioned Devon joining us after he was finished with Blinding Light, but I also knew there was no way for him to know how long that would be.
“I can totally hear Easy and Liam going at it,” he whispered, and I could hear the cringe in his voice.
“Oh no, I thought you were kidding about their anniversary,” I said and tried not to laugh because we were not quiet any of the multiple times we’d had sex, and not once had either of us considered what our neighbor thought of it.
“Rory said it’s their sex anniversary, so I guess they’rereallycelebrating,” Devon whispered, which somehow made it even funnier to me.
“Their what?” I said, barely keeping it together.
“Their sex—” I burst out laughing, unable to hold back. “Sorry, they’re really loud,” he whispered again making me laugh even louder.
“I hate to tell you this, but you are not quiet when you fuck, or when you are being fucked,” I said, still laughing. He was soquiet for a moment I thought he’d hung up but then he joined me in laughing.
“God, I wish you were here,” he finally said when he was able to stop laughing long enough to speak.
“Me too, I guess I got a little used to sleeping with you,” I admitted.
“I did too, and I’m not usually a snuggler,” he said knowing I knew exactly how much a snuggler he was.
“No, not at all. I’m going to snuggle you so hard next time I see you,” I said making him laugh again.
“Is that all you’re going to do?” he murmured, his voice low and sexy as fuck.
“You know for a fact that’s not all I’m going to do. I want you to bend me over the bed and fuck me as soon as you show me to your room. How does that sound?” I asked and pressed down on my hardening dick.
The sound of him swallowing was clear though the phone and I pictured his lips pursed and separated on a breath of desire. “I like the way that sounds,” he said, and I heard the slight groan in his voice.
“Are you touching yourself?” I whispered.
“Not yet, but I want to,” he whispered back.
“That dick is mine and I want you to wait until we’re together to touch it, do you understand?” My voice was low and menacing as I demanded he not touch himself and I forced my hand off my own dick.
“Oh, I understand, but just be ready, because that ass is mine,” he growled back at me, and I had to tuck my hand under my leg to stop myself. “Come to me, baby.”
First it was me in charge, but now I had no doubt it was him and I was just along for the ride. “I’ll get up early,” I said, and meant it.