After pressing my finger into him a few times, I pushed the head of my hard dick against his hole. “What are you waiting for, fuck me.” I did as he said and had to fight the urge to shoot as soon as I felt his tight warmth. He leaned back then and as I pulsed with need inside him, he twisted enough to kiss me. “I’ve missed your touch so much,” he whispered.
It felt so good to be with Devon again even if it had only been a few hours, it was a few hours too long. Everything in me missed him and while I still wasn’t sure how to deal with that, right now I’d enjoy all the time we had together.
We ended up sleeping most of the first day, apparently those long nights and sleepless days finally caught up to us both. “I feel bad for sleeping all day, but I’m sure everyone will understand,” Devon said after we’d finally showered and dressed later in the afternoon.
“Well, well, look who decided to join the living,” Easy said, his Irish accent coming out just slightly.
“Shamus, you just dragged your ass out of bed an hour ago, so I’m not sure you really have any room to talk,” Liam said and Easy smiled sweetly at him.
“You wore me out, my love,” he said and kissed Liam.
“Yeah, we know. Weallknow,” Rory said from where he sat across the room with his notebook and an old guitar.
“Hey, I can’t help it if he fills me with passion,” Easy said.
“Among other things,” Rory mumbled before coughing to cover it up. Liam’s face bloomed red, and he leaned in closer to Easy who slung his arm around him and pulled him into his side.
“I won’t deny it, but I won’t confirm it either,” Easy said.
“Oh, you don’t need to, we all heard it. Thank you very much for that by the way. This place is supposed to be close to soundproof, but you two have proven that’s not true many times,” Rory said again and didn’t look away when Easy glared at him. “Just fucking with you, man, come here and help me work on themusic.” He tapped his pen on his notebook and Easy moved over to him and they immediately got to work, all bullshit forgotten.
“I love how everyone in Blinding Light gets along,” I said to Devon.
“Most of them have known each other forever. Isn’t that right, Liam?” I said, as he walked into the kitchen to rummage around in the refrigerator.
“They have, it’s like a good old boys’ club in this band,” he said and winked at Easy.
“That’s how Anchor Grey is now. The three of us have been together for a while and it just works. We’re all done with the bullshit from people who only want to be onstage,” I said, and knew everyone in the room would understand.
“Don’t ever compromise. Once you know what you want in your band don’t ever let anyone tell you it won’t work,” Easy said. “They tried to do that shit with us and we ended up dropping the record company that was pulling the strings. They were leading us down a path to failure and didn’t fucking care. Don’t ever let that happen.” He’d gone from helping with a song to deadly serious in a second and he meant every word he said.
“Tanner knows how we all feel and, so far, I trust him. He’s never tried to force us into anything, and when other bandmates fucked up, he didn’t try to talk us out of them leaving.” I didn’t want to defend Tanner, but everything I said was true. He wasn’ttrying to destroy us. He let us choose our own way and was there when we needed help.
“Any word on a drummer yet?” Kai asked.
“No, but today is really the first day he’ll be looking. I trust Jeremy and Mateo to make that decision.” They were just as invested as I was, and I knew they’d make the right choice if I wasn’t there.
“Right then, let’s jam,” Easy said, and they all went into a room that had been designed as a practice room. The walls were all soundproof and it was plenty big enough for them to set up, even Devon. Easy immediately played the music for the new song they’d been working on, and he and Liam tweaked it a note at a time while Rory wrote down more lyrics or changed the ones he had.
“I love watching them work,” Kai said.
“Do you play?” I asked. I didn’t know much about him only that he was still in college and ran their website.
“Oh god no. I’m more into tech than art, but I love their music, and I’m amazed by their writing process,” he said while never taking his eyes off Rory who plucked away at his bass.
“Devon, you got it?” Easy asked and Devon nodded. He pounded out a rhythm that everyone else picked up and Easy screamed into the microphone, not holding back one little bit.
Tangled weeds, always full of needs
Tangled weeds, not always good deeds
You wrap around me and suffocate me with your drama
Always wanting more and giving less