Besides, Naomi was everything I could ever want in a woman. Smart, beautiful, sassy, hilarious when she wanted to be, and so good in bed I swear I saw stars last night. On top of it all, the woman was rich. And if the mansion we helicoptered to,in theHamptonsof all places, was anything to go by, her family had more money than mine would see in their lifetimes.

To the Shaw’s, I was just some nobody with no future who was leeching off their daughter. It would be up to me to prove them wrong. The problem was, they were technically right about some of it. I did enter into a relationship with Naomi for her money. She entered into it for a companion, a protector, and I’m starting to gather, a way to get her parents off her ass about marrying someone they wanted for her. And yet, one weekend with the woman, and not only was my mind in it to win it, so was my heart. Before I’d even known Naomi was a bidder, I was half in love with her. We connected so completely at the bar that first night, and then with that initial kiss…

I slumped down into a waiting room chair, put my elbows to my knees, and dropped my head into my hands. Visions of last night flooded my mind. We’d been so into one another that we couldn’t even make it to the bedroom. I banged her on the floor of her hotel room foyer. And she did not complain, just as eager to get at me as I was to join with her. Then we ate, we talked, and I made love to her the way I had envisioned after that first night when we’d thought we were saying goodbye forever.

But fate had other plans.

I firmly believed if we weren’t supposed to be together, there would be no way that, out of all the possible bidders, I’d meet mine prior to the auction and fall for her. Then to have her feel the same for me, in a way that she willingly paid ten million dollars was beyond belief.

Ten million dollars.

For me.

She could have walked away. Not made a bid after all…but no. She fought for me during that auction. Put her name and her money on the line to secure me as her husband.

I would not let her down.

Her family had no idea what was coming because I was going to schmooze the shit out of them whether they liked it or not.

My phone buzzed against my ass as I pondered the methods by which I would start Operation Parent Approval.

I pulled the phone out of my back pocket and noted the display said Sydney, who was the second oldest in the lineup of us siblings. She was also located in New York City, working as a model, which meant she wasn’t too far away. Immediately, an idea started to form.

“Hey, Syd, what’s poppin’?” I answered, feeling a renewed sense of excitement.

“Ugh, I just finished a job, and I can’t wait to get home and shower it off,” she groaned. “I’m in the subway right now, so ignore the background noise.”

Sydney often called me on her way home from a modeling gig, especially if she was riding the subway. I preferred it because I’d heard the subways in NYC weren’t exactly the safest place to be. And I had a sister who looked like an even hotter version of Rihanna, which meant she was instantly a target.

I frowned at hearing the nastiness in her voice. “Something happen?” I asked.

“Not really,” she sighed tiredly. “The photographer was just kinda gross. Wanting me to make lewd facial expressions. Until the client finally entered the picture and vetoed that plan. Still, I was scantily dressed in this sparkly number that hid most of the important parts but showed enough to make me feel a little uncomfortable. Especially when he asked about the vulgar stuff, like straddling a bench and rubbing on it while making my face look like I was having an orgasm.”

“The fuck you say?” I stood abruptly and started to pace the small waiting room. Thankfully, there weren’t any concerned family members of sick patients waiting for their loved ones in this seating area so I could move and speak freely.

“Yeah, it was gross, but the client stepped in, like I said. Still, this shit happens all the time. I mean, yeah, I’m a model, but I’m not into overtly sexual content. And I absolutely do not do nudity of any kind.”

“That’s right, Syd. You draw that line in the sand, and you do not cross it unless you want to. It’s your body. Make sure you’re always the one in control. Besides, you have a manager, right?”

“I do. She’s great. When she calls to check in on the job, I’ll tell her I’m not comfortable working for that photographer anymore. I may lose some work, but it’s worth it.”

“Damn straight,” I agreed with gusto. “Don’t ever let anyone walk all over you. And if you need a support system, you got one right here, sis.”

She chuckled, and I could hear her mood shifting. My job as big brother was achieved. I always wanted my sisters to feel as though I had their back, but I also encouraged them to stick up for themselves.

“Sooooooo, I called to see if you were newly engaged. I checked my phone a thousand times last night but heard zip from you. I’m dying to know, were you chosen at the auction?”

Sydney was the only member of my family that knew about the auction. At first, she was shocked I was willing to become some rich woman’s husband for a bunch of money. Until I told her what that kind of money could do for our family. Along with it only being a three-year commitment. And I’d assured her over and over that I wanted to do it. No one was forcing me. It was entirely my decision.

I wasn’t feeling pressure from the family—or simply just sad that I’d lost my pro career. Of course, I was devastated by all of that, but I could have gone back to school, finished my last year, and gotten a job with a degree in business or teaching, which had been my backup plan. Except knowing my father had worked most of his life to secure a retirement plan that would set himand my ma up, then having that come crashing to a halt due to an unfortunate accident, was brutal. It made me realize that I needed to step up and do what I could for our family.

My father was devoted to us. He’d not only given us love, respect, and discipline, he’d taught us what it was to work hard, chase our dreams, and support one another in all things. To him, family was the most important thing in the world. Only God was held above it.

With my father being unable to fully retire as planned, he and my mother lived off of his disability and my mother’s wages. They also supported my granny and my other siblings Paris, Holland, and Cheyenne who still lived in the home. Sydney was modeling and sending home whatever she could to help, Odessa lived on her own but with roommates. She was also up to her eyeballs in nursing school debt, and Paris, at eighteen, had just been accepted to Harvard. Most of my sisters were drowning in school debt, not to mention my parents who had already added a second mortgage on their house just to make ends meet.

They’d given us everything, and it was my goal to turn the tides. As the oldest sibling and only son, that weight was heavy around my neck. Even if I was the only one that put that responsibility there.

“Hello? Did you get chosen or what?” Sydney asked again.