He shrugged. “It’s up to you. I’m going to run the bath.” He pushed off his pants and boxer briefs, his dick already half-hard.
I cocked a brow and watched as my favorite appendage started to salute me while I reached for the phone, but my eyes were on my husband’s spectacular body. I clicked the button to answer and watched Gio’s toned ass flex and move as he entered the bathroom.
“Hello, Ms. Myers,” my lawyer greeted.
“Mmmhmm, that’s me.” I was trying to catch glimpses of Gio as I finagled through removing my clothing with the phone pressed against my ear.
“I’m calling because we found something concerning in your parents’ will.”
I unclipped my bra and sat on the bed in my panties as I removed one arm at a time. “What did you find?”
“Well, you told me to look into everything, that even the tiniest detail could be important,” she noted.
“Yes, continue…” I sighed, wanting nothing more than to go meet my husband in the bath. “I’m kind of in a hurry,” I prompted as I stood and wiggled my undies down my legs.
“I had a hunch after comparing some of your parents’ documents. Specifically, the last few updates to their will over the years.”
I watched as my naked, drool-worthy husband appeared at the bathroom doorway, his hand around his cock as he stroked it to full attention, then turned slowly and stepped one foot and then the other into the huge jacuzzi soaker tub.
I had to clamp my mouth shut so I wouldn’t whimper. Instead, I took a breath and focused on the call. “I’m sorry to rush you, but I only have another minute…” I ground my teeth, my heart racing as I walked into the bathroom, no longer willing to miss out on the view.
Giovanni was lying back, legs spread, cock hard, arms out at his side, head resting on a towel, and eyes closed, looking every inch the spoiled king.
I licked my lips as I squirmed where I stood. I was going to ride him until all the water left the bathtub and needed to be refilled because of our shenanigans.
Giovanni told me he loved me.
I told him I loved him.
“Are you listening to me, Ms. Myers.”
“I’m sorry, can you repeat the last part,” I frowned as Gio’s eyes opened, his gaze filled with white-hot desire.
“I said, I had a forensic handwriting expert review the last four signatures on the last four updates of your parents’ will. The first three matched exactly and were determined to have been signed by your mother and father. The last one, however, the one submitted a week before their untimely death, wasn’t a match.”
“What are you saying?” I croaked, then held my breath.
Giovanni sat up, suddenly interested in my conversation. “Are you okay?”
I nodded and held out a finger for him to wait a moment.
“I’m saying that the signatures on the last update to your parents’ will were forged.”
Episode 40
Operation Parent Approval
“How could you!” I heard Naomi sneer as the door to the hospital room closed behind me.
I shook my head and let out the long breath I’d been holding. “Looks like I have some work to do with the in-laws. Jesus, help me,” I muttered under my breath.
Naomi’s parents already hated me, and they didn’t even know me.
It was obvious that her father had done a background check on me while we were traveling from Las Vegas to the Hamptons. And he wasn’t wrong about my history. I was a college drop-out and ex-footballer. Getting hurt on the field a semester before graduation and losing the possibility of going pro was devastating. Physically, mentally…hell, even spiritually. The loss of the career I’d been working my entire life for, just gone with one wrong play, had done a number on me without a doubt.
If I were being honest with myself, the auction was the first thing in a long time that had given me any hope. Not only for my family to have what they needed to succeed, but for me as well.