“I did.” I grinned, thinking about the moment when Naomi strutted her sexy ass into that ballroom and signed the contract.

“She’s amazing, Syd. Smart. Gorgeous. And we’d actually met before the auction not knowing either was going to be in it.”

“Wow, really? That’s cool. You actually sound a bit down though?”

I sighed and rubbed at the back of my head. “Her mother had a heart attack. We flew straight from Las Vegas to New York and then took a helicopter to the Hamptons.”

“Oh no. Is her mother okay?”

“Yeah, she’s going to be released tomorrow.”

“Well, that’s a relief. Can we go back to the part where you said you took a helicopter to the Hamptons?”

“Girl, I know. It was wild. Never flown in one before. And you should see the size of their beach mansion. It’s like walking into theLifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” I shared. “You know, the one that Gran watches reruns of all the time?”

“Dang, sounds like you scored a very wealthy woman. What’s her name?”

“Her name is Naomi Shaw.”

“No shit! The Naomi Shaw? I actually did a campaign for one of her jewelers last summer. She’s big in the diamond business, brother. And I think her parents own a bunch of mines across the globe. There was an article about her not that long ago inForbes Magazine.”

“Really? Do you think you could find the link and text it to me?” I asked, desperate to gobble up any information I could on Naomi’s family in order to be successful in my plan to win over her parents.

“Yeah, for sure. I’ll send it over right after we’re done. And bravo, big brother. Naomi is smokin’ hot. I just pulled up a recent picture of her with some guy. Obviously, he’s toast now that she’s engaged to my bro,” she snickered.

“Was the guy’s name Jamal?” I asked, wondering if it was the same guy she’d dated most recently.

“Nah, it some other well-known rich fella named Malik Hendrickson.”


“Yes, I am officially engaged. No, it’s not to Malik… Jesus, Dad. When are you going to let that go? It’s been over for a long time.”

The memory of that name roared to the surface of my mind. Naomi had mentioned it in a conversation with her fatherwhen she’d confirmed our engagement. The man must have had a starring role in Naomi’s past if her father jumped to that conclusion.

“What’s he do?”

“Memphis, are you seriously jealous of some guy from her past when you’re the one marrying her?” Sydney rightfully chastised me.

“Her father mentioned the name as if Malik was in their life now. As in thepresent, not the past. Just do me a solid and tell me what it says about him,” I grumbled.

“Fine,” she snapped. “He’s a big man in investments. Shit. Says he works for Shaw International as their Chief Financial Officer. Daaaaammmmn, Memphis, he’s got boo-koo bucks. Net worth says he’s north of a hundred million.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I croaked and wiped my clammy hands down my thighs. I was beginning to sweat, my skin itching as Naomi suddenly entered the waiting room.

“Hey, Syd, I gotta go. Naomi’s back. Call you later?” I said into the phone but stared into Naomi’s tortured gaze, her entire body seeming to vibrate with unleashed emotion.

“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Good luck. I love you.”

“I love you too. Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe,” I asked, needing that bit of security from her after knowing she’d had a rough day.

“Definitely. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up and showed Naomi the phone. “That was my sister, Sydney,” I announced, lest she think I was talking to some random chick, especially during an incredibly trying time for her.

Naomi walked straight to me and then face-planted against my chest, her body shaking with the sobs that broke free.

“Hey there, I’m here. Let it all out.” I rubbed her back up and down as she wet my shirt with her tears.