Now we had a kitchen of our own, it made sense to eat here sometimes instead of always going to the restaurant. It was more intimate. The Love Hotel organisers knew what they were doing by moving the couples in together.

I laughed to myself as I thought about the fuss we’d made when we were told we’d be sharing this villa. And look what happened. Hours later we were here fucking like rabbits.

If I was being honest, we both knew that this would happen. We’d tried to fight it, but in the end the pull between us was too strong. Even if they’d put us in rooms at separate ends of the hotel, sooner or later we would’ve ended up screwing. Sometimes, chemistry couldn’t be denied.

There was a reason I was trying to deny the attraction though: I didn’t want to get hurt. But I wasn’t going to worry about that for now. I just wanted to enjoy myself.

I heard the villa door close and Max came in the kitchen.

‘Hey!’ he smiled. ‘You’re awake!’

‘Only just,’ I grinned as my eyes scanned him from head to toe.

Max was so gorgeous. His hair was wavy, his tanned skin glowed and those muscular arms were incredible. I was so gladthat I didn’t have to admire them from afar any more. Now, I could run my hands all over them.

‘Good morning.’ Max put the shopping bags on the floor, strode over to me and crushed his lips on mine, giving me a long, slow kiss. My body fizzed with excitement.

‘Mmm,’ I said when we eventually came up for air. ‘That’s definitely a good way to start the morning.’

‘Yeah. I could think of an even better way,’ he licked his lips, ‘but after our workout last night and earlier, we need to eat. I’m gonna make breakfast so go and relax on the patio and I’ll let you know when it’s ready.’

Now we were in charge of our own activities, we didn’t have morning briefings.

‘Ooh! Thanks!’ I said, thinking that no one had offered to make me breakfast before. ‘If you’re sure you don’t need a hand, I’ll go and have a shower first.’

‘I’m good. Go for it. And help yourself to the products.’

When I went in the bathroom there was a whole selection of shower gels, soaps and creams from Max’s company. Everything looked so amazing I couldn’t wait to try them.

I took much longer in the shower than I should’ve, but those Olibella products were divine. I didn’t think my skin had ever felt or smelt so soft. Having access to all of these products was a dream.

Once I’d got dressed, I checked in on Max, who said he needed another half an hour, so rather than lounging around on the patio whilst he was hard at work in the kitchen, I offered to collect yesterday’s photos.

It’d also give me time to call Sammie. She’d texted last night to see how the villa move and massage had gone, but I wasotherwise engaged.

Seeing as I had time to kill, I took the long route to reception via the beach.

There wasn’t a single cloud in the bright blue sky and as the gentle waves rolled towards me, I closed my eyes and inhaled the salty sea air.

I took off my flip-flops and exhaled, my feet sinking into the soft, warm sand. This was miles away from trudging along the cold, wet pavements to the post office like I did every day in London. This place was paradise.

When I first arrived and saw Max, all I wanted to do was rush home, but I was so glad I’d stayed. Everything right now was like a dream. No. It was better. It was like I was living in a romance novel. I was so happy I never wanted to leave.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Sammie’s number. After a few rings, she picked up.

‘So, have you and Max shagged yet?’ she asked.

‘Wow. Not even a hello, how are you?’

‘Sorry, hon. I don’t have time to beat around the bush right now. I’m getting ready to see my gran for lunch and I’m running late. So come on then! Spill! Did you jump him on the massage table thingy?’

I paused, thinking how scarily accurate she was.

‘Kind of…’

‘No way!’ she gasped. ‘I was only joking! What happened? Did you ask him to roll on his back so you could straddle him? I need details!’

As I explained how we’d gone at it like animals after Jasmine called Olga away, Sammie screamed so loudly, my eardrums almost burst.