‘If you’ve got no objections, I’d like toserveyou against this wall.’

‘No objections from me.’

That was all I needed to hear. After I reached in my shorts pocket to pull out my wallet, I rolled on a condom and wasted no time in burying myself inside her.

And I knew once we’d finished, I’d want to do it all over again…



The sound of a phone notification jolted me out of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted as I took in my surroundings.

For a second I was confused about where I was, then I remembered I was in the villa now. This was my new bedroom.

As I sat up in the bed, I winced. My whole body ached like I’d just done a marathon gym workout.

Then I remembered.


It wasn’t a dream.

We’d hooked up. Multiple times.

After he’d gone down on me, he’d fucked me against the wall. Then we’d showered together and were supposed to get ready for dinner, but we’d fallen asleep. When we woke up, it was after midnight and we were horny so we did it again on the bed. Twice.

I’d had more sex in the last twenty-four hours than I had in probably the last two years. And I felt bloody amazing.

Although I tried to deny it, I knew from the moment I sawhim again that me and Max would have insane chemistry in the bedroom. We had an incredible connection when we dated and time and experience had only intensified that.

Getting caught on the massage bed was embarrassing but I wasn’t going to lie: I’d never been so turned on in my life. Knowing that it was forbidden in so many ways heightened the pleasure. When Max had his hands all over me, I didn’t care about the fact that someone might hear or walk in on us. I had only one objective: to feel Max inside me. And once I’d experienced that feeling, I couldn’t get enough of him.

And oh, my,God. When he went down on me in the hallway: Jesus. I’d never experienced pleasure like it. Max and I dabbled in oral sex when we dated, but we were only in our late teens. At the time, of course, we thought we knew what we were doing, but I could confirm with 100 per cent certainty that Max had mastered his technique now. He’d picked up an arsenal of new skills and I was happy that I got to benefit from them.

After experiencing how talented he was with his tongue, thePussy Professionaltitle didn’t do him justice on its own. The man was anOral Aficionado.

Speaking of Max, I wondered where he was? I threw off the sheet, swung my legs out of the bed, then hobbled to the window to draw the curtains.

My poor vagina felt like it had been rubbed with sandpaper, but I wasn’t complaining. The soreness was worth it.

Once I’d brushed my teeth and washed my face, I went to look for him.

Max’s bedroom door was open and the bed was made. I didn’t even know if he’d slept there or with me. The villa seemed empty.

When I went into the kitchen, there was a note pinned to the fridge.


Hope you slept well. Gone to get some stuff for breakfast.

Back soon,

M x

My heart fluttered. That was so sweet of him.

As well as some bread and fresh fruit, luckily the hotel had stocked the fridge with ham, milk, butter and cheese, so last night we didn’t go hungry. But we’d eaten most of the food, so I was glad Max had gone to get more.