Page 31 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 24

Suzy’s mouth went dry as she studied the couple whose eyes met hers. Everyone stood in place in what felt like a slow-motion film. Eventually, she found words. “I can’t believe they came.”

Mama Gia peered at the sixty-something couple. “Are those your parents?”

Suzy nodded, unable to speak. Her dad’s dark, curly hair was now edged in gray. Her mother appeared thinner and possibly shorter. Swallowing, she whispered, “Jon must have told them.”

Mama Gia patted her behind. “Go to your parents. Weddings are about family.”

Suzy pushed her disastrous almost-wedding, her sister’s involvement with her then-fiancé, and her mother’s ridiculous reaction out of her mind. It was in the past. The distant past. Now she had Ken, Izzy, Jon, Fernando, and a baby granddaughter on the way. Her life was happy and full. It was past time to forgive.

Breaking into a near-gallop, Suzy spread her arms wide, kicking up sand, and nearly stampeding her parents. Her father ran toward her and embraced her in a tight bear hug. Burying her face between his shoulder and neck, she sobbed. “I’m so glad you’re here, Dad. I should have called you long ago. I’ve missed you so much.”

Gianni, Suzy’s handsome father, smoothed her hair. “Shhh. It doesn’t matter who called us. We’re here now. We wouldn’t have missed it.”

Her mother, Ellie, flung her arms around her neck. “We’ve missed you, Suzy. I’m sorry about how I reacted at your wedding. It was, you know, messy with your sister and—”

Wiping away tears, Suzy put her finger to her mother’s lips. “It’s over. Let’s don’t talk about this ever again. I’m happily married now. Everything worked out.”

She wrapped her arms around both parents. Between sobs, she said, “I’ve missed you so much. You haven’t even met my new husband, Ken, or my stepdaughter, Izzy.”

“You have a stepdaughter? Now you’ll see the complications of a mother-daughter relationship.” Ellie stared at her tan sandals. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have gone there.”

Suzy let the remark go. “Trust me, I’ve already endured several upheavals with Izzy. We’re working on our relationship. But today is Jon’s day.” Pausing, she said, “By the way, I assume your grandson called to invite you.” Feeling her cheeks flush, she added, “I’m ashamed I didn’t call first.”

“Let’s don’t discuss that either.” Her parents exchanged glances and broke into wide smiles. “Jon did call us, but your new husband actually beat him to the punch.”

Gianni chuckled. “Ken told us over the phone that you two were married. He apologized for not asking my permission but said you had a whirlwind wedding at your high school class reunion.”

Suzy put both hands on her cheeks. “I can’t believe this.”

Her mother added, “We both remembered Ken from your high school days. You always pined for that boy. We’re glad you’re happy.”

Gianni kept his arm around Suzy’s shoulders. “We had a long chat with Ken. He’s a good man. In fact, he insisted on paying for our flights to Crystal City. He wanted to surprise you.”

Suzy stood, stunned. When she found words, she said, “I definitely married the right man.”

Setting her tote bag on the sand, Ellie beamed. ”And the very next day, Jon and Fernando called to tell us about their wedding and made the same offer.”

Her father winked. “It appears everyone wanted to make sure we were here.”

Suzy clapped a hand over her mouth. “My husband and my son called you. That makes me unbelievably happy.” She squeezed her parents’ hands. “Follow me, I want to introduce you to Fernando’s family.”

After handshakes, hugs, and many exchanges in Italian between the Russo clan and Suzy’s half-Italian father, Suzy cajoled herself for never learning the beautiful language.

Clearly in her element, Mama Gia continued speaking in Italian, much to Suzy’s dismay. Unfortunately, her translator Izzy had disappeared.

After a long exchange with Mama Gia, her father turned toward her. “Jon told us he has a big surprise—even bigger than the wedding. How is that possible? I hope he isn’t moving to Europe.”

Mama Gia’s face fell. “I hope they do move to Europe someday, but probably not for a while with the—”

Suzy shot her a look. “I don’t think it’s our place to tell.”

“Do you know what the surprise is?” Suzy’s mother asked. “We’re dying to know.”

“Yes, Mom. Of course I know.” Suzy’s mind raced. Her parents were in for a shock. A huge shock.“I haven’t yet seen Jon and Fernando. I’m sure they’ll be happy to tell you everything. I’m sure you won’t have to wait much longer.”

Her parents glanced at one another. “So many secrets,” Ellie said. “But we can wait.”

Recognizing the loud muffler on Vanessa’s car, Suzy watched as Vanessa parked across the street. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”