Chapter 25
Rushing across the road to assist Vanessa, she watched as the freckle-faced beauty unbuckled her seatbelt, which was loosened to the max over her pregnant belly. After she finally disengaged herself, she gingerly stepped out of the car. “Hi, Suzy. Big day.”
Suzy still couldn’t believe how well the baby news had gone over. At first, Jon was mad at himself—and the entire world—since he had finally come out. But after he came to his senses and told Fernando the revelation, his partner embraced the astonishing news as if he were being told they had to move across town.
Vanessa leaned against her car. “Are you okay? You seem like you’re in another world.”
“I should be asking you that. I’m fine. Let me hold your purse.” Suzy rubbed Vanessa’s back. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thanks. Fernando and Jon chose this gorgeous dress for me. I’m glad they found one with a pink sash for the baby.” Vanessa wiped sweat off her nose. “I’m hot and my feet are swollen.” She flinched. “Ow. That was a big kick.”
Suzy’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure you’re up to this, hon?”
Bobbing her head, Vanessa said, “I’m sure. I wouldn’t miss it.”
“The ceremony won’t last long, and we’ll get you into the air conditioning soon.”
Nodding, Vanessa plucked a miniature fan out of her purse. “Don’t worry about me.” She waddled a few steps and slipped her arm through Suzy’s. “I get so out of breath these days.” She rubbed her baby bump. “It won’t be long now. I’m ready.”
Suzy gulped. “I’m sure you are. By the way, Jon’s grandparents—my parents—are here all the way from Canada.”
“Really? I can’t wait to meet them.”
Suzy noticed her father never took his eyes off them as they crossed the street and wondered if her dad had guessed the momentous news.
After they crossed the street, Gianni extended his hand. “Bambino.” He grinned. “That means baby.”
Suzy’s mother, Ellie, reached over and patted Vanessa’s belly. “Sorry. I know you don’t know me but I couldn’t resist.”
Vanessa laughed. “Don’t worry. Strangers do that in the grocery store. I’ve gotten used to it.” She turned toward Gianni. “Yes, I’m having a baby. In fact, this might be a jolt but I’m having your—”
Suzy tugged on Vanessa’s arm. “We don’t have time for the whole story.” She glanced from Vanessa to her parents. “We’ll fill you in after the wedding, Mom and Dad. It’s time to get everyone in line for the procession. Dad, will you follow me? I’d love for you to escort me down the aisle.” Her voice wobbled. “Since you didn’t get to . . . before.”
Her father beamed. “I’d be honored, Suzy Q. Just tell me when you’re ready.” He reached for his wife’s hand. “Let’s go sign the guestbook before the crowd arrives.”
~ ~ ~
After straightening a few chairs, Suzy dusted sand off her hands and checked the time. Glancing at Mama Gia, she said, “I’m glad I brought a change of clothes. My wedding dress would have been sweaty and sandy by now.” She peered down at her denim shorts and tee. “I’d better go freshen up before the guests arrive.”
She studied a few early cocktail-drinking wedding guests and chuckled. “Guess I’m too late.”
“I’ll guard the beach.” Mama Gia laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t let my boys devour the food.”
“Be right back.” Suzy nodded and disappeared inside Coconuts.
Suzy rushed into the restroom, wiped sand off her feet with wet paper towels, opened the garment bag with her dress and shoes, changed, and reapplied lipstick at warp speed. Sticking a loose tendril back in her messy bun, she stepped into the bar area where she spotted the caterer and two servers carrying platters of seafood and vegetables for the food table. She gave them a thumbs-up. Good luck finding a space. I’m tired of dealing with food.