Page 30 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 23

After the soiled tablecloth was switched, Suzy eyed the makeshift beach. The sand had been smoothed, the white chairs were set up, the food tables were overflowing, and Izzy had rinsed off the leis in a bathroom sink inside Coconuts.

Fernando’s brothers were busy stringing hundreds of glittering tiny white lights on the towering fake palm trees. Suzy stepped back to admire the makeshift luau.

It worked. The Coconuts parking lot is actually transforming into a beautiful beach. The food issue was a bump on the sand.

Suzy, Izzy, and Mama Gia worked in unison as they set out the guests’ mementos and multi-colored leis on a table beside the guestbook. Jon and Fernando had chosen sand ornaments with a light dusting of glitter as wedding keepsakes. Guests could choose from hearts, palm trees, or flipflops. Each ornament had an orange ribbon at the top.

Suzy studied the parking lot. “I wonder where the hell Bill is.”

“Bill?” Mama Gia asked. “I’m getting all of the names mixed up.”

“My ex. Never mind.” Suzy took a calming breath as the two women worked. “I wonder what Jon is doing right now.”

“I was thinking the same thing about my Fernando.” Mama Gia chuckled. “Knowing him, he’s probably doing the salsa around the house. He’s such a happy guy.”

“I love that about him. He’s a joy to be around.” Suzy placed her arm around Mama Gia’s shoulders. “You raised good boys.”

Actually blushing through her smooth olive skin, Mama Gia said, “I know you wanted everything just so, but I cook when I’m nervous. Thank you for letting me contribute to the menu.”

Suzy held up her hand. “No need to say any more. Your food looks and smells delicious.”

After the DJ arrived, Suzy indicated where he should set up and was pleased he remembered to dress in a tropical yellow and white shirt. He wore frayed jeans and kicked off his shoes.

“Gotta get in the mood. The sand feels good. Nice touch, man, I mean, Suzy.”

“Testing, testing.” When the DJ was satisfied with his sound equipment, he played “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffet. “Let’s get this party started.”

Mama Gia grabbed Suzy’s hand and they danced on the sand.

When the song ended, Suzy said, “We need a pre-wedding cocktail. I’ll get Gus to bring us some wine. I hired him to serve. He’s the best.” She poked her head inside Coconuts and saw Gus behind the bar cleaning glassware. “Think we could get a couple of glasses of merlot, Gus?”

He grinned. “Wedding jitters?”

“Something like that.”

Soon Gus appeared outside and handed them both a glass of wine. The mothers clanked their glasses together. Suzy said, “To our boys.” Mama Gia repeated the phrase then they took a sip and hugged.

After drinking half her wine, Suzy set her glass near the floral arch and adjusted a couple of orchids. Once the sun set, she knew the lights on the palm trees would twinkle and checked to make sure each strand worked.

“When The Sun Goes Down” by Kenny Chesney blared from the speakers. Suzy grinned when she spotted Mama Gia and Gus dancing. After the song ended, she clapped and heard Gus mention his serving duties before he escaped inside Coconuts.

Suzy reached for Mama Gia’s hand. “Let’s make sure the altar is secure.” After the women eyed the setup, Suzy asked, “What do you think?”

Mama Gia touched her chest and shook her head. “Bellissimo. It’s breathtaking. I shouldn’t have doubted you. This really does look like the beach.” She chuckled. “Except for the ocean, of course.”

Winking, Suzy said, “I’m not that good.”

Ticking off a mental to-do list, Suzy remembered something she had forgotten. “Come with me.”

“Where’re we going?”

Pointing, Suzy said, “Near the altar. We need to find a big stick.”

“A stick?” Mama Gia’s brows furrowed. “For what?”

“You’ll see.” They scoured the area beneath a large maple at the edge of the parking lot until they found a thin branch. Suzy stepped toward the archway, poised the stick above the sand, and drew half a heart. She handed the stick to Mama Gia. “You draw the other half.”

Mama Gia nodded. “Ah, I see what you’re doing.” Fernando’s mother completed the heart and both women wrote the initials of their respective sons.”

Mama Gia beamed. “Nice touch, Suzy. You think of everything.”

“Thank you. I try.” As they crossed the sand, Suzy stopped mid-step and stood transfixed.

Mama Gia halted her stride as she followed Suzy’s gaze. “What’s wrong?”