She had a feeling that he already knew what was wrong. He just wanted her to verbalize it. “I have to go to the bathroom. Can you let me up?”
“Try the diaper first. I know it's scary and might feel unnatural, but you may end up loving it,” he said. “But if it's a hard limit for you then you don't have to do it. There are lots of Littles who just want to wear the diaper but not actually use it.”
Janie thought about it for a second. Was it going to be a hard limit for her or was she going to try it? She couldn't deny that she had fantasized about a Daddy taking care of her in this way. But that was just a fantasy and reality was different. She may not like that and she didn't want to ruin her fantasy.
“I don't know if I can do it,” she whispered. It was a subconscious thing. She knew it wasn’t wrong, but most of society frowned upon it.
“Daddy will help you if you want,” he said.
She put her face in his chest. That was so embarrassing. How was he going to help her? Before she could do anything, Daddy's hand moved to her stomach, and found where her bladder was. He ever so gently started to press on it and a whine escaped her mouth.
“Daddyyyy,” she drawed out the word.
“You're such a good girl. So good for Daddy. My good little Pinky.” he continued to apply even more pressure to her bladder.
She started to squirm even more as it got harder and harder to hold it in. Before she could say anything, she felt herself starting to pee into the diaper. Janie felt her whole face start to get red with embarrassment.
“Such a good girl,” Daddy said as he took his hand off of her stomach.
She continued to fill up the diaper and keep her face in his chest. She didn't want to look him in the eyes right now. Not when she had just peed in a diaper on his lap.
“You're such a good girl. Daddy's proud of you for trying something new,” he said. “Let's go get you cleaned up.”
After he had changed Janie's diaper, they had gone back to the couch and watched the rest of the movie. Well, he had watched the rest of the movie. Janie had fallen asleep on his lap and he wasn't going to wake her. She needed her sleep, especially since her days had been stressful.
He was trying to eliminate stress but it seemed like trouble and stress followed her. Mac didn't know if their life was ever going to be stress free but he was going to try his hardest to make sure she wasn't as stressed.
Janie snuggled into his side. He looked down and smiled at her. She was absolutely precious, all snuggled up into him. He could sit here for hours and hours and just have her snuggled into his side.
The only piece that was missing was Eleanor. But he hadn't wanted to wake her up since she was peacefully sleeping. Though, he figured he should wake her up soon so that she slept tonight.
Janie groaned and slowly blinked. He started to rub his hands through her hair, slowly and peacefully waking her up.
“Good afternoon, sleepy head,” Mac said
She gripped on to his torso and looked at him. She always looked so calm and peaceful while she was sleeping and when she first woke up. Mac was glad he could help his Pinky sleep well. It brought him joy and pride to know that he could tend to her needs.
“Have you heard anything from Rogan?” She whispered.
Mac sighed but nodded his head. He didn't necessarily want her to know this, but he knew she would continue to ask until he told her. And he wasn't going to lie to her, not unless it was absolutely necessary and even then, the thought of lying to her didn't sit well with him.
“He has been taking care of,” Mac said. “I just got confirmation from Rogan that he will no longer be bothering you.”
He felt her body tense up as he spoke those words. This was why he didn't want to tell her about Rogan. He didn't want her stressed and this was making her stressed. He just wished that he could take away all of her stress but he knew he couldn't.
“I feel bad,” she whispered. “Maybe I did something wrong.”
“Do you need a spanking?” He asked. This wasn't like her to feel guilty about that. He had told her several times that what he did was wrong and she even said it when she first talked to him about it. He had thought that maybe she was feeling guilty about something.
Janie pulled away from him. “No, I do not. No one ever just needs a spanking.”
He raised his eyebrow at her. There were definitely people who needed a regular spanking. Sometimes it was a way for the person to let out their emotions and there was nothing wrong with that. Everybody was different.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “Are you feeling guilty about him being taken care of?”