“I think it's okay,” she whispered.
“If it changes, you let me know and we'll fix it.”
She nodded her head and Daddy picked her up. He held her close to his body as he walked towards the living room. Eleanor hadn't made a noise and she wondered if she was asleep or if something had happened.
She relaxed her head on to Daddy's shoulder, letting out a sigh of content. It felt amazing to finally be in his arms. She had wanted this for a while and it was finally coming true.
“Aww, look who fell asleep while we were in the room,” Daddy said.
She looked over to see Eleanor sleeping on the couch all wrapped up in the blanket. She looked peaceful.
“Let me go put her in the crib and then we'll start our movie,” Daddy said. “I want you to stay on the couch and relax. I'll be right back.”
Janie nodded her head as he placed her on the couch. She immediately started to relax on the couch. As much as she could. It was hard when her mind was starting to think about everything that had happened. She was desperately trying to stop it, but it was hard.
“Daddy is coming right back. I need to go make something in the kitchen real quick,” Daddy called out as he walked past the living room.
She didn't know what he was doing in the kitchen. Was he making a snackie for her? She loved snackies. It normally took her mind off of things.
“I'm back,” Daddy said as he sat down next to her. She tried to look and see what he had been doing in the kitchen, but she couldn't see anything. Had he hid something in there? “Let's get you comfortable while we watch this movie. I picked Mulan.”
A smile broke out on her face when he said he was playing her favorite movie. She absolutely loved Mulan. She could watch it once a day for the rest of her life and never get tired of it.
Daddy picked her up and laid her across his body. Her head laid on his shoulder as she looked at the tv.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Anything for you,” he said. “Do you want to be wrapped up in a blanket?” Daddy asked.
“No thank you,” she whispered.
Daddy turned the TV on and the movie started to play. She felt herself slowly relaxing as the movie started to play. She was so entranced that she didn't realize Daddy had a baby bottle in his hand. She opened her mouth as he stuck it in, not really paying attention until she felt it in her mouth.
Janie started to whine when she realized what it was. She didn't want to drink anything right now. If she drank things, she was going to have to go to the bathroom sooner or later and she had a feeling like he was going to make her use the diaper she was wearing. And Janie didn't know if she would be able to do that.
“Be a good girl and drink this chocolate milk. You need to regain some of the fluids to help you relax,” Daddy said.
She shook her head and tried to get the nipple out of her mouth. She really didn't want to drink anything even though she was thirsty.
“Pinky, you need to drink,” Daddy said. “It's non-negotiable. Your health is at risk and that is one of your rules. Just try it for me and if you really don't like it after you've tried, I'll get you a sippy cup.”
Janie sighed and nodded her head. She wasn’t used to someone giving her a bottle, it was a new experience. It was one of her rules and she really didn't want to get spanked right now. She didn't know if she was going to be able to handle that after everything that had happened.
She slowly started to suck on the nipple. Chocolate milk filled her mouth and she sighed and content. She absolutely loved chocolate milk, it was one of her favorite snacks to have. But she didn't have it often. It was normally one of her rewards whenever she finished a manuscript or did a whole bunch of errands.
Time passed and she had finished the bottle. It really wasn't that bad to drink out of it but it wouldn't be her first pick to do it in front of him. But maybe she needed to get used to the idea. The one thing she did love was being in his arms. It felt intimate and she knew she was safe. He would protect her while she relaxed. Something she didn't necessarily have before him.
Janie slowly started to wiggle around as her bladder started to fill up. This was what she was worried about. She didn't want to wet herself. It was weird and hard to do.
“Are you all right, Pinky?” Daddy asked.
She nodded her head but she wasn't all right. She had to go to the bathroom so badly and any second she was going to burst. Maybe she could convince Daddy to let her get up and go to the bathroom. But she had a feeling that he wasn't going to let her. She had a feeling he was going to tell her to try to use the diaper before she said no.
“Don't lie to Daddy,” he said.
She wiggled in his lap even more. The urge was getting to become too much she didn't know how long she was going to be able to hold on.
“Tell Daddy what's wrong.”